Posts Tagged
St. Philip Neri Oratory
May 26: St. Philip Neri

Philip Neri was born in Florence, Italy, in 1515. At the age of 18, Philip was sent to his uncle, Romolo, a wealthy merchant at San Germano, a Neapolitan town near the base of Monte Cassino, to assist him in his business, and with the hope that he might inherit …
Brothers Converts Priest

For many, practicing the Catholic faith is a given. Their families were Catholic, they were baptized Catholics and they continued living out their faith as they grew up and established their own families. Others, however, choose to become Catholic and embrace what it means to be a member of this …
‘Lead, kindly light’ – Pope Francis names Newman a saint

By Courtney Mares Vatican City, Oct 13, 2019 / 03:20 am (CNA).- Nearly two centuries ago, John Henry Newman was England’s most well-known Anglican priest, until he risked everything to become a Catholic. Today he has become a saint. As Pope Francis named Cardinal John Henry Newman a saint Sunday, …
Blessed John Henry Newman to be canonized October 13

By Courtney Grogan Vatican City, Jul 1, 2019 / 04:00 am (CNA).- The Vatican announced Monday that Blessed Cardinal John Henry Newman will be canonized on October 13 in Rome. During a consistory of cardinals July 1, Pope Francis decreed that Newman and four other blesseds will be canonized together …
Rome pilgrimage to center around Blessed John Henry Newman

Father Thomas Wray, priest of the archdiocese, will lead a pilgrimage to Rome in October in honor of Blessed Cardinal John Henry Newman. The pilgrimage will take place Oct. 8 through 15. Newman’s beatification was officially proclaimed by Pope Benedict XVI in 2010 during his visit to the United Kingdom. …
Photo Essay: A great light in the darkness

Each year, Old Saint Mary’s Parish on the Saturday before the Third Sunday of Advent, the faithful set their alarms early so they can attend the Rorate Mass. The Rorate Mass is lit only by candlelight. Because it is a votive Mass in Mary’s honor, white vestments are worn instead …
After the crash: Homeless men and women help nun clean up Over-the-Rhine church garden

Sister Marie-Cecile was in the parking lot and Father Jon-Paul Bevak was getting ready for catechism class in the hall next to Old St. Mary’s church when they heard the brakes squeal. It’s Over-the-Rhine,” said Father Bevak. “It’s not unusual.” But this time it was anything but usual, even for …
175 years in Over-the-Rhine

Old St. Mary’s keeps it’s German roots while focusing on the future If any edifice in Cincinnati bears testament to the work ethic and craftsmanship of the city’s German immigrants, it is Old St. Mary’s, an Over-the-Rhine (OTR) landmark dating to 1841. It rose under the backbreaking work of German …
St. Philip Neri Oratory dedicates restored residence

The dedication of Pious House April 18 marked the end of a journey for the Oratory of Philip Neri Community in Formation here, according to Father Jon-Paul Bevak. “Finishing the house was the last expectation,“ he explained, placed on the community in formation by Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr. In addition …