Posts Tagged
St. Peter in Chains Hamilton
Obituary: Father Patrick M. McMullen

Father Patrick M. McMullen passed away on Wednesday, May 20, 2020 in Batavia, Ohio. He was born on March 18, 1959 in Frankfurt, Germany. He received a B.S. in Elementary Education from Xavier University, Cincinnati and a M.Div. in Theological Studies from the Athenaeum of Ohio/Mount St. Mary’s Seminary of …
Celebrating our Catholic School Principals

The Catholic Schools office in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati held their Awards Ceremony at the May Principals’ meeting. St. JOHN THE BAPTIST AWARD 2019 Jeff Fulmer, Principal – St. James the Greater & Corey Stoops, Principal – Guardian Angels Education is an evolving science and it is important that principals …
School of Faith teaches teachers faith formation

Educators in Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati are learning to teach what they believe. Since its inception four years ago, 17 Catholic elementary schools, including three high schools, have embraced School of Faith, a program aimed at providing personal faith development to teachers and staff. “You can’t give …
Jubilarians 2018: Oldenburg Franciscans

80 years Sister Irvin Marie Kreimer Sister Irvin entered the Sisters of St. Francis on September 8, 1938 from St. Leo Parish, Cincinnati, and made final vows on August 12, 1944. She taught in the archdiocese at St. Aloysius School, Sayler Park; St. Peter School, Chillicothe; St. Peter School, Hamilton; …
St. Peter in Chains celebrates anniversary
By Patricia McGeever For The Catholic Telegraph Saint Peter in Chains Parish in Hamilton is marking a milestone. It is celebrating 50 years since its present-day church building was built and dedicated. The parish itself was founded in 1893 and the church building at 382 Liberty is the third one …