Posts Tagged
st nicholas
5 things to know and share about St. Nicholas

by Hannah Brockhaus Rome Newsroom, Dec 6, 2021 / 06:00 am St. Nicholas, whose feast day is celebrated on Dec. 6, is well known as possibly the real-life inspiration for the beloved Christmas character of Santa Claus. Not a lot is known about the historical Nicholas, who was bishop of …
Today’s Video: Saint Nicholas

In honor of Saint Nicholas, here’s two videos about the life of this Saint from, and the longer video entitled History of real Saint Nicholas:
December 6: St. Nicholas of Myra

On Dec. 6, the faithful commemorate a bishop in the early church who was known for generosity and love of children. Born in Lycia in Asia Minor around the late third or fourth century, St. Nicholas of Myra is more than just the inspiration for the modern day Santa. As …
St. Nicholas is Coming to the Shrine!

MARIA STEIN, Ohio (November 15, 2021) – On Sunday December 5th at 2pm, children and their families are invited to meet in the Adoration Chapel at Maria Stein Shrine for a special visit from St. Nicholas. He will share details about his life and how his generosity mirrored that of …
Tim Nealeigh: North Star’s Traveling St. Nick

by Susie Bergman “The most important thing I want to share is that I do not have an agenda. I am not out to get rid of Santa Claus!” Tim Nealeigh is a humorous and delightful man on a historically important mission. That mission spans decades of his life, yet …
Shine On: The Giver of Gifts

Johnny had always wanted to help when his Uncle Mike dressed up as Santa and delivered gifts to kids in need before Christmas. His family collected gift lists from a local hospital or homeless shelter, then they’d get their neighbors or school families to donate gifts. And then, Uncle Mike …
Saint Nicholas Inspires all ages at the Shrine

MARIA STEIN, Ohio (November 27, 2019) – The Maria Stein Shrine of the Holy Relics recently hosted two events featuring St. Nicholas, to celebrate his feast day on December 6th. St. Nicholas of Myra was a fourth century bishop in Turkey who was noted for his generosity and the miracles …
A picture says a thousand words: Maria Stein Shrine St. Nicholas Coloring Contest

Maria Stein Shrine announced that they received nearly 400 entries in their coloring contest! Last year they received 161. The winners are listed below. They gave out two prizes per age due to the overwhelming response received (a children’s nativity set). Every coloring page we received is currently on display …
Arrange a visit from St. Nicholas

Family’s holiday tradition sets spiritual tone for Advent By Eileen Connelly, OSU (from our print edition) “Never again, in all my life, have I experienced the unspeakable thrill of a physical nearness to heaven as I did on those evenings of my childhood when St. Nicholas came to us.” — …