Posts Tagged
St. Michael Fort Loramie
Keeping the Faithful in the Loop

by Matt Hess The Lord’s final mandate to His disciples before the Ascension was to preach the Gospel to all the world. To do this today, followers of Jesus are called to be communicators, passing on the faith through word and deed. Not everyone is called to this professionally, but …
Out and About in the Archdiocese for July 2023

1) Students Walk the Red Carpet DePaul Cristo Rey High School rolled out the red carpet for the premiere of The Comeback, a three-part docuseries created by students. The May 10 premiere was the culmination of months of work as students learned and embraced all facets of filmmaking from storyboarding, …
St Michael Parish Breathes New Life Into Community

At a time when Mass attendance all over the world is down due to the pandemic, St. Michael Parish in Fort Loramie has drawn people back to church and infused new life into its community. The secret: modifications to its worship space and offering parishioners a piece of the church’s …
2019 Spirit of Sister Dorothy Stang Awards

These awards honor the works of Sister Dorothy Stang, who went to Brazil nearly 50 years ago along with four other Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. In 1966, the sisters established a new convent at Coroatá in the state of Maranhão. As the sisters learned about the oppression of …
Finding Common Ground: Twinning Parishes Break Down Distance and Cultural Barriers

By Susie Bergman Imagine boarding a plane to leave the comfort and security of your homeland to begin a mission solely focused on relationship-building with people you’ve never met. It’s a mission that will take you to places you have never experienced before, with an unfamiliar culture and a significant …
Friday September 14: Day of prayer for the church and victims of abuse in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati

DAY OF PRAYER FOR THE CHURCH AND VICTIMS OF ABUSE FEAST OF THE EXALTATION OF THE HOLY CROSS SCHEDULE OF PRAYER Friday, September 14, 2018 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will take place throughout the day except during the celebration of Mass. St. Peter in Chains Cathedral 325 West 8th …