Posts Tagged
St. Margaret of York Parish
Coaching Cousins

Coach Steve Kuhlman led the Moeller rugby squad for eight years and Coach Sara Kuhlman runs the Mount Notre Dame lacrosse team. Although these sports have little in common, the player experience under these two leaders is comparable: Winning counts, but faith comes first. Sara and Steve, both 30, are …
Empowering Future Leaders

“It’s much more than old-fashioned computers.” Principal Carolyn Murphy with St. Michael the Archangel School described perfectly how technology has evolved across schools in the archdiocese over the past several years. What may have been a computer lab or media space in schools 10, five or even two years ago …
Ultrasound Initiative: Donations Bring State of the Art Equipment to Lebanon & Wapakoneta

by Eileen Connelly, OSU Shortly after an ultrasound machine was installed at Elizabeth’s New Life Center’s (ENLC) Women’s Center in Lebanon, the staff performed a scan on a young woman with no support who was fearful of going through her pregnancy alone. While receptive to the center’s services and discussion …
Today’s Video: Many of the Faithful traveled to Washington for the March for Life 2020.

Every year, thousands of Americans come to Washington, D.C., many traveling from states far away, to participate in the March for Life and advocate for the lives of unborn babies. The Archdiocese of Cincinnati was well represented as hundreds of students, adults, and seminarians left for Washington D.C. to participate …
Photo Essay: Out and About in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati

Out and About in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati
Photo Essay: Out and About in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati

Out and About in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati! Click photo to click through the photos.
School of Faith teaches teachers faith formation

Educators in Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati are learning to teach what they believe. Since its inception four years ago, 17 Catholic elementary schools, including three high schools, have embraced School of Faith, a program aimed at providing personal faith development to teachers and staff. “You can’t give …
St. Ignatius Loyola School announces new Principal

On February 27, 2018. St. Ignatius Parish announced that Mr. Kevin Vance has accepted the position as the next principal of St. Ignatius School. Mr. Vance brings with him experience as a Catholic school principal and a strong background in meeting academic, spiritual, social, and emotional needs of students. Fr. …
Rev. James R. Brooks

Reverend James R. Brooks died on April 22, 2017. He was born on October 11, 1977 in Dayton, Ohio. He studied Classical Humanities at the Legion of Christ College of Humanities and Novitiate in Cheshire, Connecticut. He received a Licentiate Degree in Philosophy and Moral Theology from the Ateneo Pontificio …
Small change can make difference when coins are rare

By Paul Clark Special to The Catholic Telegraph Small change can make a big difference. As part of his pledge to One Faith, One Hope, One Love, David Cossentino of Loveland added some coins totaling $1.63. That’s face value. But there’s a flip side: Their total worth, as evaluated by …