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St. Junipero Serra

By Pablo Kay/Angelus News Los Angeles, Calif., Jul 13, 2020 / 04:37 pm MT (CNA).- Reprinted with permission from Angelus News. The fire that ravaged Mission San Gabriel Arcángel church in the predawn hours of Saturday, July 11, left behind a haunting scene. In a matter of minutes, the mission’s …

CNA Staff, Jul 11, 2020 / 12:40 pm MT (CNA).- A massive fire devastated an eighteenth century mission church in San Gabriel, in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, July 11. Archbishop Jose Gomez of Los Angeles called the fire at San Gabriel Mission church, founded by St. Junipero Serra, “devastating.” …

by Jonah McKeown Denver Newsroom, Jul 8, 2020 / 03:00 am MT (CNA).- After rioters pulled down a statue of St. Junipero Serra in Sacramento on July 4, a local Catholic told CNA that she felt compelled to clean the spot where the statue once stood, to pray there, and …

CNA Staff, Jul 5, 2020 / 08:28 pm MT (CNA).- On the evening of Independence Day, a crowd in Sacramento tore down a statue of St. Junipero Serra, set fire to it, and beat it with sledgehammers. The statue, on the grounds of California’s state capitol, was the third figure …

In the following letter, Archbishop José H. Gomez addresses recent controversies surrounding public monuments to St. Junípero Serra and asks the faithful of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles to invoke the saint’s “intercession for this nation that he helped to found.” Ahead of the saint’s July 1 feast day, he …

CNA Staff, Jun 29, 2020 / 01:45 pm MT (CNA).- After a mob tore down statues, including a figure of St. Junípero Serra statue, in a San Francisco park, Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone was joined by several dozen Catholics Saturday in prayer and acts of spiritual reparation. “Evil has made itself …

by Perry West Denver Newsroom, Jun 28, 2020 / 02:01 pm MT (CNA).- A Catholic teacher who finished a pilgrimage to the Spanish Missions in California this week has emphasized his devotion to the first missions’ founder, St. Junipero Serra, and their influence on him as an educator. Over the …

CNA Staff, Jun 25, 2020 / 04:34 pm MT (CNA).- Two statues of St. Junipero Serra have been moved from a Catholic mission and church in southern California amid fears of vandalism as protests around the state continue to topple statues. The Mission San Juan Capistrano and its neighboring church …

Madrid, Spain, Jun 24, 2020 / 06:07 pm MT (CNA).- The mayor of Boadilla del Monte, a town just west of metro Madrid in central Spain, has offered to take the statue of Saint Junipero Serra toppled last weekend in San Francisco. Serra’s statue was torn down in San Francisco’s …

CNA Staff, Jun 22, 2020 / 03:08 pm MT (CNA).- While statues of St. Junipero Serra have been taken down by protestors in California cities, the mission church in Ventura, California, founded by the saint, has announced it will work with local officials and indigenous tribal leaders to see a …