Posts Tagged
St. Julie Billiart
Out and About in the Archdiocese September 2023

1) Associates Minister with Sisters In September, the Associates of the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati will commemorate their 50th anniversary. Associates volunteer with sponsored ministries of the Sisters of Charity Community. Some work in parishes, schools and hospitals. Others are the caretakers of their families where they bring the …
Obituary: Reverend John E. Wall

Reverend John E. Wall passed away on April 20, 2021, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He was born on September 13, 1931 in Cincinnati. He did his preparatory studies at St. Gregory Seminary, Cincinnati and studied theology at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary of the West, Norwood, Ohio. He was ordained on May …
Continuing Religious Education . . . One Computer at a Time; St. Julie Billiart Parish partners with St. Susanna Parish in Mason

The gift of computers is doing more than providing children with a resource for school or play — at St. Julie Billiart parish in Hamilton, it is also providing children the gift of religious education. But help is needed to make it possible for all children. St. Julie Billiart Parish …
Community service and faith leadership earn numerous awards for Badin students

Badin High School has earned the Emerald Award from the United Nations Association of the USA and InnerView, organizations devoted to the value of community service and sustainable world goals. Badin received the award for the 2019-20 school year after its students participated in some 3,000 service activities and earned …
Walking in the Footsteps of Saint Julie

By Judy Back Gerwe To my great privilege, the leadership team of the Ohio Province of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur invited me to attend a pilgrimage where the foundress of the order, St. Julie Billiart, worked and lived. There were nine of us who took part in …
Africa Trip Provides Opportunity for Building Relationships

By Eileen Connelly, OSU Why travel halfway around the world when there is plenty to worry about in our own backyard? Because experiencing the diversity of our Catholic faith and the mutual impact made through building relationships with our brothers and sisters in other cultures can be spiritually enriching and …
Busca al Señor por el Arzobispo Dennis M. Schnurr

Estamos a mitad de la Cuaresma, y las tiendas a están ofreciendo dulces de Pascua y ventas de ropa de Pascua. Esto es natural. Todos queremos saltarnos la muerte y llegar a la resurrección. Quizás ese deseo es aún más fuerte en tiempos difíciles. Y estamos viviendo en tiempos difíciles. …

Sister Sarah Cieplinski professed final vows at Mount Notre Dame on December 29, 2018 CINCINNATI – Sister Sarah Cieplinski, Sister of Notre Dame de Namur (SNDdeN), professed final vows at Mount Notre Dame in Cincinnati, Ohio, on December 29. Sarah joined the SNDdeN community in 2008, and spent the next …
AOC joins Giving Tuesday, #iGiveCatholic campaign

One hundred ministries, schools and parishes in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati will join the iGiveCatholic online fundraising campaign on Nov. 27. The day of digital giving is designed to involve thousands of individuals of all ages whose donations will help fund worthwhile projects and programs. It is the first time …