Posts Tagged
St. John the Baptist Parish
Dry Ridge Students Witness Naturalization Ceremony

by Madison Burton Junior high students greeted the soon-to-be citizens with excitement and curiosity. As immigrants walked through the doors of the gym of St. John the Baptist School in Dry Ridge, the Honorable Michael R. Barret, U.S. District Court Judge, prepared to declare the gym a courtroom. Dec. 6 …
Jubilarians 2018: Oldenburg Franciscans

80 years Sister Irvin Marie Kreimer Sister Irvin entered the Sisters of St. Francis on September 8, 1938 from St. Leo Parish, Cincinnati, and made final vows on August 12, 1944. She taught in the archdiocese at St. Aloysius School, Sayler Park; St. Peter School, Chillicothe; St. Peter School, Hamilton; …
In the Land of the Infidels: How the Franciscan parish was invented in Cincinnati

By Gail Finke (An older version of this story was posted in error.) Franciscans in Europe didn’t pastor churches. Even when sent on foreign missions, they established friaries, where they lived together in community and worked with the poor. But in America, things were different. Father David Endres, dean of …