Posts Tagged
St. Ignatius Loyola
Try a taste of Easter

By Erin Schurenberg For many Catholics, the celebration of the resurrection of our Lord begins with a special breakfast and continues after Mass with a big family dinner. What is served and whether that menu differs yearly seems to vary greatly. Early Christian converts carried over the Jewish tradition of …
Masses planned for those grieving loss of unborn child

Healing Masses for those grieving the loss of an unborn child, including to miscarriage, stillbirth and abortion, are scheduled for April 29 at 7 p.m., at four locations in the archdiocese. The Masses will be held at St. Ignatius Loyola Parish 5222 North Bend Rd. Cincinnati, 45247 St. Veronica Parish …
Obituaries for February

Sister Janet Hughes A Mass of Christian Burial for Sister of Notre Dame de Namur Janet Hughes was celebrated Jan. 23 in St. Julie Chapel at Mount Notre Dame convent in Cincinnati. Sister Janet, 88, died Jan. 17. She was in her 64th year of religious life. For nearly 20 …
Father Donald McCarthy

Reverend Donald G. McCarthy passed away on Friday, January 5, 2018. He was born on December 20, 1929 in Cincinnati, Ohio. He did his preparatory studies at St. Gregory Seminary and studied theology at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary of the West, Norwood. He was ordained on August 22, 1954, after …
A picture says A thousand words: St. Ignatius Students mix it up

On Tuesday February 28th, students from St. Ignatius School in Cincinnati took part in a “challenge by choice” activity called “Mix It Up at Lunch” which is part of a National Campaign started by Teaching Tolerance in 2002. Students were encouraged to eat lunch with peers they may not typically …
A Picture says a thousand words: St. Ignatius Pilgrimage

Parishioners from St. Ignatius Loyola made a pilgrimage to St. Peter in Chains Cathedral to the Holy Doors in this Year of Mercy. The Year of Mercy continues until November 20th. The Closing of the Doors in this Year of Mercy takes place Saturday, November 19th at St. Peter in …
Japanese delegation visits St. Ignatius school

Press Release As part of St. Ignatius Loyola School’s cultural exchange program, 21 students and two chaperones from ShotoKu Gakuen, a school in Gifu City in Japan, stayed with St. Ignatius families for a week.