Posts Tagged
St. Ignatius Loyola
Obituary: Reverend James J. Walsh

Reverend James J. Walsh, a beloved figure in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and St. Dominic Parish, passed away on January 29, 2025, at the age of 83. Born on December 11, 1941, in Cincinnati Ohio, Fr. Jim dedicated his life to serving the Church and his community with unwavering commitment …
Catholic Spirituality: Ignatians

On May 20th, 1521, a fiery young man named Íñigo López de Oñaz y Loyola—better known to us as St. Ignatius of Loyola—was injured in a battle at Pamplona in Spain. In the long months of bedrest and boredom during his convalescence, Ignatius either daydreamed about great romances and adventures …
What’s behind the Church’s veneration of the Most Holy Name of Jesus

By ACI Prensa ACI Prensa Staff, Jan 3, 2024 / 04:00 am Every Jan. 3, the Church celebrates the Most Holy Name of Jesus. In the words of St. Bernadine of Siena: “This is that most holy name longed for by the patriarchs, anxiously awaited, called upon amid cries of suffering, …
If They Only Knew

About a year ago I applied for a grant to help my fledgling magazine, Embodied, that is grounded in Pope St. John Paul II’s writings about the human person. I was struck by one question: “For whom does your heart break?” This brought an immediate wave of deep sadness, but …
How St. Ignatius of Loyola became the patron saint of soldiers

By Peter Pinedo Washington D.C., Jul 31, 2023 / 02:15 am Besides being the founder of one of the largest religious orders in the world and the author of the “Spiritual Exercises,” St. Ignatius of Loyola is also the patron saint of soldiers. Here’s how this Iberian soldier-turned-priest and missionary was …
Out and About for August 2023

1) Sewing for Good at St. Ignatius The Scarf It Up Club’s 75 members at St. Ignatius Parish, Cincinnati, collectively crochet, knit, sew and quilt. Their mission is to create warm, attractive items to comfort those in need or going through tough times. Serving 16 community agencies, in 2022 they …
Obituary: Reverend Theodore C. Kosse

Reverend Theodore C. Kosse died on Tuesday, November 1, 2022, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He was born on August 10, 1945, in Cincinnati, and baptized at St. Martin of Tours Parish, Cheviot (Cincinnati). He did his preparatory studies at St. Gregory Seminary and studied theology at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary of …
Did you know: St. Ignatius of Loyola

by Emma Cassani and Gail Finke The rose window in the sanctuary of the round, postwar-style St. Ignatius of Loyola Church in Montfort Heights came from Walnut Hills’ former Church of the Assumption. 1 rose window, made in Germany by Franz Meyer and Co. in 1863, displays symbols of the …
A Priest’s Perspective: Our Heroic Mothers

Ten years ago, my friend was preparing to move to Baltimore. Before the move, she made a request: “Mom is getting a little forgetful. Could you look in on her and bring her Communion?” I agreed and each Friday I met with a remarkable mother of eight who raised her …
Hope and Healing for Infertile Couples

This month brings a new event designed to minister to couples suffering from infertility. On Oct. 16, the archdiocese will host its first St. Gerard Morning of Reflection for Infertile Couples at St. Ignatius Loyola Parish on the West Side of Cincinnati. The morning is made to lovingly receive couples …