Posts Tagged
St. Ignatius
Catholic Spirituality: Ignatians

On May 20th, 1521, a fiery young man named Íñigo López de Oñaz y Loyola—better known to us as St. Ignatius of Loyola—was injured in a battle at Pamplona in Spain. In the long months of bedrest and boredom during his convalescence, Ignatius either daydreamed about great romances and adventures …
CSW Roundup: Music, arts, medicine and sports

As Catholic Schools Week 2016 winds down, here’s a look at some of the news submitted to the CT by area Catholic schools around the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. St. Ignatius Music Program growing, in need of instruments Ta-ta-tam-tam! Music teacher Tasha Grismayer taps a music stand three times. There is …
Keeping it cool with a Pope Francis ‘popesicle’

Staff Report Just days before more than 60 members of the school faculty and staff headed to Philadelphia to celebrate Pope Francis‘ journey to the United States, students at St. Ignatius were treated to a “Popesicle” celebration during recess. The popsicles weren’t shaped like the pope, but rather were used …
Japanese delegation visits St. Ignatius school

Press Release As part of St. Ignatius Loyola School’s cultural exchange program, 21 students and two chaperones from ShotoKu Gakuen, a school in Gifu City in Japan, stayed with St. Ignatius families for a week.
St. Ignatius parishioner ordained Jesuit priest in Milwaukee
By Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph Growing up in St. Ignatius Loyola Parish in Monfort Heights, Jesuit Father Eric Sundrup had no idea of the significance the faith community’s patron saint would one day play in his life.
Father Jack Mattscheck, retired priest, dies at 88
Father John “Jack” J. Mattscheck died Thursday morning, May 29.
St. Ignatius seeks gently used instruments
By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Psalm 98:6 proclaims, “With trumpets and the sound of the horn shout joyfully before the King, the Lord.” If a program at St. Ignatius Catholic School in Monfort Heights reaches its goal, an entire fourth grade class will be able to follow that command.
Education Briefs: Scout’s Eagle project builds new outdoor classroom for IHM
Staff Report The students of Immaculate Heart of Mary School have a new classroom – outdoors. Students sit on wooden benches at long tables while their teacher works from a deck with a sheltered whiteboard. All of this started when former IHM student Dale Lakes developed an idea for his …
Sts. Ignatius and Francis of Assisi, a bond highlighted by Pope Francis

By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Francis is “a Jesuit’s Jesuit” who understands the importance of St. Francis of Assisi in the life of St. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus, said the Jesuits’ secretary for the promotion of the faith. U.S. …
Flamingos flock to St. Ignatius for a good cause
Friday, September 11, 2009 By Mike Dyer ST. MARGARET MARY DEANERY — It didn’t take long for parishioners at St. Ignatius to realize flamingos would be invading some of their yards for a couple of days in the Monfort Heights area this summer. And while the tropical birds didn’t actually …