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St Henry Dayton

On Oct. 19, 2024, Father Martin Fox, of the St. John Paul II (SJPII) Family of Parishes, took to the skies on a mission to bless people with holy water. Flying out of the Dayton-Wright Brothers Airport (Miamisburg) in an R-44 helicopter, he soared 5,000 feet up in the air. …

The pastor, Father Jim Manning, prays with Archbishop Dennis J. Schnurr at the Mass celebrating the parish’s 150th anniversary and the new church building’s first anniversary. (CT Photo/Jeff Unroe)
Reverend James J. Manning died on Sunday, September 22, 2024 in Dayton, Ohio. He was born on February 19, 1948, in Dayton, and baptized at Holy Trinity Church, Dayton. He did his preparatory studies at St. Gregory Seminary and studied Philosophy and Theology at Mount St. Mary Seminary of the …

Sensory-Friendly Mass is perfect for any person who struggles with the crowds, noise, sights, and smells of the typical liturgy. The sound is softer, the lighting is lower, and there are adaptive Missals available, but the biggest difference is that there isn’t any stigma. Even if you or your child …