Posts Tagged
St. Helen School
Obituary: Sister Damienne Grismer, SNDdeN

Sister Damienne Grismer, SNDdeN July 6, 1929 – January 15, 2021 “My daughter, what I ask with all my heart for you and for your sisters is a very great simplicity of heart and soul in all your behavior, the great liberty of the children of God.” (Saint Julie Billiart, …
Obituary: Sister Mary Jo D’Amico, SNDdeN

Sister Mary Jo D’Amico, SNDdeN May 26, 1931 – January 12, 2021 “You do more good by training one good teacher than by looking after a hundred boarders.” (Saint Julie Billiart, p. 67, To Heaven on Foot) Mary Josephine D’Amico was the oldest child and only daughter in a close-knit …
Everyday Evangelists: Students’ letters lift spirits of parishioners
Thursday, June 24, 2010 By David Eck DAYTON DEANERY — Every month or so during the last two school years, Martha Piker knew she was in for a treat when the distinctive package arrived in her mailbox.