Posts Tagged
St. Gertrude
Out and About for October 2024

1) Hispanic Charismatic Renewal The Catholic Charismatic Renewal of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati hosted a healing congress alongside the archdiocesan Hispanic Evangelization office. More than 1,500 people participated on Aug. 10 at the Sharonville Convention Center. The event featured Father Robert Rodríguez from Colombia and the Alfareros music ministry from …
November 16 – St. Gertrude the Great

On Nov. 16, the Catholic Church celebrates the memory of a distinguished medieval nun and writer in the Benedictine monastic tradition, Saint Gertrude of Helfta, better known as “St. Gertrude the Great.” One of the most esteemed woman saints of the Christian West, she was a notable early devotee of …
Bill Burleigh honored as Catholic journalist

Editor, CEO, area civic leader receives lifetime achievement award By Walt Schaefer William R. Burleigh, one of Cincinnati’s most esteemed journalists, was honored in February with the Salesian Guild’s Lifetime Achievement Award during the Catholic organization’s annual meeting. Burleigh served a chief executive officer, president and chairman of …
Men’s conference: Declan O’Sullivan looks back

Conference co-founder reflects on men’s fellowship By Walt Schaefer After a six-year hiatus, the Cincinnati Men’s Conference has been reborn and co-founder Declan O’Sullivan couldn’t be happier. “The first men’s conference was in 1995,” O’Sullivan said, and grew rapidly to attendance of nearly 10,000. “Then in 2011, it was placed …
St. Gertrude Parish to open Eucharistic exposition chapel June 22
By Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph Ever since he was ordained in 1992, Dominican Father Andre-Joseph LaCasse has dreamed of being able to offer members of the faith communities where he has served the opportunity to participate in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament continuously during the day and night, …
Icons connect art and faith
September 2013 By Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph St. Gertrude parishioner and artist Jenny Ward has found icons to be a “very direct path to the Lord,” and now hopes the faith of others will also be deepened through the opportunity to learn more about sacred art. Ward became …