Posts Tagged
St. Columban
Keeping the meaning in a child’s first Communion

Editors Note: Here’s an article about First Communion that’s both timely and informative from 2009 ARCHDIOCESE — With first Communion season upon us, children will be soon be donning their finery for the joyous event as parents plan festive family gatherings to celebrate. But there is more to the occasion …
Celebrating at the Stable: Nativity Scenes bring the Incarnation Home

By Gail Finke It’s the little clay baby in the manger—or maybe the empty manger, waiting until Christmas morning for the figure to appear. It’s the watchful figures of Mary and Joseph (“Mary always has to go on Jesus’s right, and Joseph always has to hold a lantern or …
Briefs: Dayton nativity exhibit returns, students tour seminary & more

The University of Dayton will celebrate “Christmas and Beyond” with its annual exhibit of Nativities from around the world and the installation of a new model train display built to tell the story of Jesus’ young life. “At the Manger: Christmas and Beyond” runs from Saturday, Nov. 28, to Sunday, …