Posts Tagged
St. Clare Chapel
Did you know? A Saint may have visited the Archdiocese of Cincinnati

by Gail Finke Mother Frances: Sainthood to come? 1868 Mother Frances visits Cincinnati + Covington 1934 Mother Frances declared Venerable 1972 Healing of Covington,KY, resident William Anness ruled not miraculous 1974 Venerable Frances is beatified 1989 Inexplicable healing of Cincinnati resident Thomas Siemers 2008 The cause for Ven. Frances’s canonization …
Jubilarians 2018: Franciscan Sisters of the Poor

Sr. Marie Clement Edrich – 75 Years Sr. Marie Clement Edrich, a native of Cincinnati, has had a variety of opportunities, quite diverse to serve God and the SFP Congregation. Initially educated as a Pharmacist, she only spent a few years in our hospitals before she was sent to Rome …
Franciscan sisters update foundress’ cause for canonization

By Erin Schurenburg Only one diocesan inquiry for sainthood has happened in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Blessed Frances Schervier (1819-1876), the European-born founder of a new Franciscan community, lived a life of holiness and service. In 1844, she became a secular Franciscan. The next year, she and four companions established …
Piqua parishes celebrate 20 years of 24-hour adoration
Thursday, October 14, 2010 SIDNEY DEANERY — St. Mary and St. Boniface parishes in Piqua are marking the 20th year of 24-hour adoration at St. Clare Chapel, and the anniversary will be celebrated at both parishes with a week of activities.