Posts Tagged
St. Bernadette Parish
Obituary: Deacon James Woeste

Deacon James Woeste, a deacon of the Archdiocese, died on June 24, 2023 at the age of 81. Deacon Jim was ordained by Archbishop Daniel Pilarczyk for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati on June 22, 1985. He served the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and several other dioceses as a permanent deacon for …
Called to be Heroes

On a sunny, breezy November morning, as the leaves floated from the trees, the children at St. Bernadette School in Amelia were told they are called to be heroes. “Living good, holy lives of service is heroic,” said Father Tim Ralston at their weekly all-school Mass. The message delivered from …
Our New Priests: Anthony Marcelli

I am from the east side of Cincinnati, a little town called Amelia. I grew up in a strong German-Italian, Catholic family and am one of seven kids: five girls and two boys – perilously outnumbered! I have a very tight-knit family. My grandparents live next door, as well as …
School of Faith teaches teachers faith formation

Educators in Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati are learning to teach what they believe. Since its inception four years ago, 17 Catholic elementary schools, including three high schools, have embraced School of Faith, a program aimed at providing personal faith development to teachers and staff. “You can’t give …
Jubilarians 2018: Sisters of Charity

75 Years Sister Maureen Donovan A native of Iowa, Sister Maureen Donovan spent her active ministry years as an educator in Ohio and Michigan. She first ministered as a primary school teacher at the following Archdiocesan schools: St. Patrick, Cincinnati (1945-’50); St. Aloysius, Fayetteville (1950-’51); Resurrection, Cincinnati (1951-’55); and …
Jubilarians 2018: Sisters of Mercy

Sister Lucy Beischel, RSM (formerly Sister Mary Roderic) – 70 years A life-long resident of Cincinnati, Sister Lucy Beischelspent her first five years of ministry teaching elementary school. In 1958 she became librarian at Our Lady of Cincinnati College (Edgecliff College). In 1981 she became librarian at Mother of Mercy. …
A picture says a thousand words: Totus Tuus fun!

Totus Tuus (Totally Yours) is a summer Catholic youth program dedicated to sharing the Gospel and promoting the Catholic Faith through evangelization, catechesis, Christian witness and Eucharistic worship. There were close to 70 participants at St. Bernadette and on Friday, June 22 it was time to close out the week with …
Looking Back: The Ordination of Rev. Robert Muhlenkamp & Rev. Timothy Ralston

This article originally appeared in the May 21, 2010 edition of The Catholic Telegraph ARCHDIOCESE — God calls men to the priesthood at different times in their lives. Some begin discerning the call while still in their teens. Others embark on different careers before they begin priestly formation. This year …
St. Bernadette Parish breaks ground on new church
Wednesday, April 13, 2008 By David Eck ST. MARTIN DEANERY — As parishioners at St. Bernadette Parish broke ground for a new church on a recent chilly afternoon, Dottie Mager felt like crying.