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St. Anthony Shrine

Br. Mark Ligett, OFM, 76, passed away Jan. 21, 2025, at St. Luke Hospital in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. He was a professed Franciscan friar for 54 years. Br. Mark was known for his warmth and humor and his deep sense of gratitude for his vocation and fellow friars. He was also …

Br. Blane Grein, OFM, 88, passed away Nov. 27 at Lovelace Hospital in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He was a professed Franciscan friar for 70 years and a priest for 62 years. Most of Br. Blane’s ministry was devoted to missionary service, and he was known for his openness, generous spirit, …

BY GAIL DEIBLER FINKE The ancient practice of Eucharistic Adoration is founded in the desire to sit with, contemplate and pray in the presence of the Body and Blood of Christ outside of Mass. Many churches open their doors weekly or monthly for people to pray before the tabernacle, where …

High on a hill overlooking the city of Cincinnati, many find refuge and the ability to converse with our Lord at the National St. Anthony Shrine and its property. Brother Vince Delorenzo, OFM, its Guardian and groundskeeper, sees firsthand the impact of its surroundings on visitors. “We have 60 acres …

by Gail Finke What is a shrine? Associated with popular piety since the earliest days of the Church, shrines are places of pilgrimage and prayer. Pope St. John Paul II once said, “Christian shrines have always been, and continue to be, signs of God, and of His intervention in history. …

Here’s the scene of the beauty of Spring in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

St. Anthony Shrine Holy Thursday Morning (Greg Hartman CT/Photo)
On June 13, the annual nine-week novena at the National Shrine of St. Anthony of Padua on Colerain Avenue will close with a standing-room-only chapel of pilgrims there to celebrate the saint’s feast day. “On the actual feast day, things get crazy,” said Toni Cashnelli, spokeswoman for shrine and Franciscan …

By Gail Finke Friars were out in force for the crowded launch of Urban Artifact’s St. Anthony Quad Beer on Fat Tuesday. The brewery and pub in what was once the undercroft of St. Patrick Church in Northside hummed with the sounds of band Jazz Renaissance and talk from the …

Northside brewers brew wild yeast beer in former church, now pub By Gail Finke The long history of monks, friars, and beer will have a new incarnation this Lent. Urban Artifact, a Northside microbrewery that specializes in sour beers and beers brewed from wild yeast, debuts its new St. Anthony …