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A picture says a thousand words: Sportsleader Rosary Rally at St. Gertrude

On Thursday, July 19, members of football teams in the area participated in the annual SportsLeader Rosary Rally before two-a-days begin. Normally held at The Athenaeum of Ohio, this year the rally was held at St. Gertrude Church in Madeira as construction continues at the seminary.
Vatican sponsored Sports Ministry conference at Athenaeum this month

Youth ministry and youth athletics are seen as different, and at times, competing entities in the Catholic system. SportsLeader is hoping to change that. SportsLeader has been working with coaches to instill values in athletes since 2004 and now the Louisville, Ky.-based non-profit is hosting the first-of-its-kind Director of Sports …
Local Catholic football program participates in Stations of the Cross workout

SportsLeader, a virtue-based program for coaches based in Louisville, Ky., has come up with a Lenten challenge for high school athletic programs and at least one local school has accepted that challenge. The SportsLeader Stations of the Cross Workout capitalizes on the Lenten practice of reflecting on Christ’s passion with 14 …
Football rosary rally draws big numbers in second year [Photos]

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph In a few weeks, the young men who gathered Thursday as brothers in Christ will spend their Friday nights hitting each other with extreme force on the gridiron field. On this evening, though, they knelt together before the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament and prayed the …
SportsLeader releases video of HS football Rosary Rally
Staff Report Back on July 31 nearly 500 students, athletes and coaches gathered to adore the the Lord in the Eucharist and to pray the rosary prior to the start of the high school football practice season. To read the original story, click HERE.
Day before beginning practice, Catholic football teams gather to pray [Photos]

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph A day before Ohio high school football teams were set to begin two-a-day practices, Catholic high schools from around the region gathered to pray the rosary in front of the Blessed Sacrament. Mount St. Mary’s Seminary of the West at the Athenaeum of Ohio …
Fenwick, McNicholas postgame prayer may start new tradition

Staff Report When SportsLeader works with Catholic schools, one of its hopes is to help the school strengthen their Catholic identity. One of the ways SportsLeader does this is by encouraging prayer after athletic contests. Two SportsLeader schools, members Bishop Fenwick and McNicholas, met on the football field Sept. 27. …
SportsLeader helps coaches instill the right values
By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Catholic youth athletics and Catholic youth ministry are often two separate entities. In the Archdiocese of Cincinnati a major diocesan initiative is underway to help merge those sometimes competing groups into a cohesive unit. In addition to those efforts is the work of an …