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Pope Francis: ‘The West has taken the wrong paths’

by CNA Staff CNA Staff, Sep 15, 2022 / 14:55 pm Discussing on the flight from Kazakhstan to Italy on Thursday the moral degradation of the West, particularly concerning the advance of legal euthanasia, Pope Francis said the region has taken the wrong path and that killing should be left …
Three bishops on the Camino to Santiago: An exclusive interview with Bishop James Conley

by Zelda Caldwell Washington D.C., Sep 11, 2022 / 06:38 am When three American bishops from the United States set out this August to walk the Camino de Santiago de Compostela in northwestern Spain together, they knew to pack only the most necessary gear in their backpacks to keep their …
More than 100,000 march for life in Spain

by Diego Lopez Marina Madrid, Spain, Jun 27, 2022 / 16:45 pm More than 100,000 people turned out June 26 for Spain’s march for life in Madrid and to protest proposed changes to the country’s abortion law and other bills that violate human dignity. The pro-life institutions NEOS; the Assembly …
May 17: St. Pascal Baylon

Pascal was born at Torre-Hermosa, in the Kingdom of Aragon, on May 24, 1540. He was born on the Feast of Pentecost, which in Spain is called “the Pasch of the Holy Ghost”, which is why he received the name Pascal. He died at Villa Reale, May 15, 1592, on …
Burger King in Spain apologizes, pulls offensive Holy Week ads

by Diego Lopez Marina Lima, Peru, Apr 18, 2022 / 14:59 pm The fast-food chain Burger King in Spain has withdrawn and apologized for an offensive ad campaign that sparked outrage among Catholics during Holy Week. “We apologize to all those who have felt offended by our campaign aimed at …
April 4: Saint Isidore of Seville

On April 4, the Catholic Church honors Saint Isidore of Seville, a bishop and scholar who helped the Church preserve its own traditions, and the heritage of western civilization, in the early middle ages. In 653, less than two decades after his death, a council of bishops in Spain acclaimed …
Spanish nuns evacuated from Ukraine: Christ was with us in the Blessed Sacrament

by ACI Prensa Madrid, Spain, Mar 3, 2022 / 16:19 pm Before war broke out in Ukraine, Sisters María, María Jesús, and Antonia of the Missionaries of the Congregation of Saint Dominic were running an after-school program in Kyiv. The three were evacuated last week, and they told the Pontifical …
Puerto Rican archbishop condemns toppling of colonist’s statue ahead of Spanish king’s visit

by Diego Lopez Marina San Juan, Puerto Rico, Jan 26, 2022 / 15:08 pm The Archbishop of San Juan de Puerto Rico, Roberto Octavio González Nieves, expressed his sorrow and repudiated the demolition of the city’s statue of Juan Ponce de León, a Spanish colonizer who was Puerto Rico’s first …
January 22 Saint Vincent

St. Vincent was Deacon of Saragossa, and a martyr under Diocletian in 304. This most renowned martyr of Spain is represented in the dalmatic of a deacon, and has as emblems a cross, a raven, a grate, or a fire-pile. He is honored as patron in Valencia, Saragossa and Portugal. Very …
December 20: St. Dominic of Silos

Saint Dominic was born in 1000 in Cañas, Navarre, Spain. He was born a peasant, and as a youth worked as a shepherd until he entered the Benedictine monastery in Navarre. When Dominic refused to hand over the monastery lands at the King of Navarre’s demands, he was forced to …