Posts Tagged
Social Media
Michigan’s Catholic bishops condemn Gov. Whitmer’s chip video as ‘mocking’ faithful

By Kate Quiñones CNA Staff, Oct 11, 2024 / 19:40 pm Michigan’s Catholic bishops on Friday condemned a video sketch of Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and a journalist for what some have called a “mocking” of the Eucharist. The video, posted on Thursday and which quickly went viral, shows Whitmer feeding …
In interview with trans activist, Biden condemns states banning sex changes on kids

By Edie Heipel Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Oct 24, 2022 / 16:11 pm In an interview with a controversial transgender activist Sunday, President Biden condemned states for restricting sex change procedures on children. In the segment aired by progressive news outlet Now This News, Biden sat down for a one-on-one interview with social …
YouTube adds abortion info to Catholic, pro-life videos

by Kevin J. Jones Denver, Colo., Oct 11, 2022 / 16:00 pm Many YouTube videos produced by Catholic or pro-life organizations will now bear an abortion disclaimer and links to an abortion webpage, as YouTube claims that abortion is a topic prone to misinformation. The move means many YouTube videos …
Becoming 21st Century Saints

When asked about his YouTube subscriber numbers, Harris Craycraft humbly replied, “Ninety-four thousand, I think.” His channel has become a reliable online resource for thousands wanting to learn about the newest smartphone or tablet. Craycraft has produced and posted videos on YouTube for nearly half of his life, beginning in …
Zeros, Ones, and the End of Man

Problems arising from technology and social media are more than could possibly be accounted for in one magazine. From the relatively mundane problem of work distraction, to more seriously annoying intrusions on privacy, to the tragedy of social-media-driven violence, stories about digital technology and social media fill headlines every day. …
Live Action says Google’s removal of pro-life ads ‘unprecedented’

by Christine Rousselle Washington D.C., Sep 15, 2021 / 14:50 pm According to the pro-life group Live Action, the search engine Google canceled its advertisements for abortion pill reversal services. The act is further evidence of Google’s pro-abortion biases, a leading pro-life activist tells CNA. “In a dramatic and unprecedented …
The CT Gets Social

KATHERINE, TELL US A LITTLE BIT ABOUT YOURSELF! I grew up in Mason, OH, and I have a big family – I’m one of seven kids – and my siblings are my best friends. I just graduated from the University of Cincinnati this past spring with a major in Electronic …
Pope Francis warns against preachers who sow division online

by Courtney Mares Vatican City, Jun 23, 2021 / 06:35 am At his general audience on Wednesday, Pope Francis warned against preachers who sow division and mistrust online. “There is no shortage of preachers who, especially through the new means of communication, can disturb communities. They present themselves not primarily …
Why Christians Shouldn’t Cancel People

How should a Christian react to “cancel culture”? Chances are that if you’ve been on social media or listened to the news in the past year, you’ve heard of “cancel culture.” Cancel culture is that practice of boycotting a person or group of people because of controversial actions or opinions. …
Mother Teresa’s lawyer blasts new podcast likening her order to a cult

by Kate Scanlon Washington D.C., May 28, 2021 / 16:02 pm A new podcast that likens St. Teresa of Calcutta to a cult leader is full of “untruths and false accusations,” the former legal counsel for St. Teresa told CNA on Friday. The podcast, titled “The Turning: The Sisters Who …