Posts Tagged
social justice
How one Catholic priest responded to the ’92 LA riots

by Michelle La Rosa Denver Newsroom, Jun 4, 2020 / 03:11 am MT (CNA).- In the spring of 1992, then-Father David O’Connell was comfortable in parish life in south LA. The Irish-born priest had served the Archdiocese of Los Angeles for more than a decade by then, and he was …
Pope Francis called Archbishop Gomez to express prayers after death of George Floyd

CNA Staff, Jun 3, 2020 / 02:53 pm MT (CNA).- Pope Francis called the president of the U.S. bishops’ conference on Wednesday to convey his prayers and solidarity for Americans during the period of national unrest that began with the death of George Floyd, a black man who was killed …
Catholic parish offers sanctuary amid Minneapolis riots

by Anna Wilgenbusch Minneapolis, Minn., Jun 2, 2020 / 04:17 pm MT (CNA).- When protests following the death of George Floyd turned violent Thursday night, a small Catholic parish in Minneapolis became a refuge for neighbors who didn’t feel safe in their homes. St. Albert the Great Parish, located in …
Pope Francis prays for the soul of George Floyd and for peace and justice in US

by Courtney Mares Vatican City, Jun 3, 2020 / 02:45 am MT (CNA).- Pope Francis said Wednesday that he is praying for the soul of George Floyd and all victims of racism, adding that nothing is gained by violence. “Dear brothers and sisters in the United States, I have witnessed …
Minneapolis archbishop, priests join in prayerful George Floyd protest

by Jonah McKeown Denver Newsroom, Jun 2, 2020 / 05:38 pm MT (CNA).- Minneapolis clergy, including Archbishop Bernard Hebda of St. Paul-Minneapolis, participated in a silent walking protest Tuesday afternoon to the spot where George Floyd died in police custody last week, stopping to pray at the memorial that had …
Nuns praying for looters after attack on Catholic bookstore

by Matt Hadro Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Jun 2, 2020 / 06:00 am MT (CNA).- On Saturday, protests in Chicago over the death of George Floyd turned violent. As rioters targeted the city’s Magnificent Mile shopping district, shattering glass and raiding stores, they picked an unlikely target: A bookstore run by …
Today’s Video: I’m a bit racist. And so are you.

We all know that racism is a sin. It spreads hate and divides the human family. What we don’t always realize is that we are all a part of the problem. Racism isn’t a binary condition in which you either “are” or “are not” racist. We all have biases and …
Archbishop Gomez on racism: ‘It should not be this way in America’

CNA Staff, Jun 1, 2020 / 11:35 am MT (CNA).- Archbishop Jose Gomez of Los Angeles condemned violence and racism on Sunday and called for peaceful protests. The leader of the country’s largest Catholic diocese and the president of the U.S. bishops’ conference addressed the weekend’s violence and civil unrest, …
Statement of U.S. Bishops’ President on George Floyd and the Protests in American Cities

May 31, 2020 WASHINGTON – Archbishop José H. Gomez of Los Angeles and president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has issued a statement on George Floyd and the protests in American cities that have taken place over the last several days. This follows the Friday statement from …
Today’s Video: Bishop Shelton Fabre on the Death of George Floyd

Bishop Shelton J. Fabre of Houma-Thibodaux, chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee Against Racism, on the Death of George Floyd and the protests which have broken out in Minneapolis and in other cities in the United States. The PDF for open-wide-our-hearts-bulletin-insert