Posts Tagged
social action
Minneapolis archbishop, priests join in prayerful George Floyd protest

by Jonah McKeown Denver Newsroom, Jun 2, 2020 / 05:38 pm MT (CNA).- Minneapolis clergy, including Archbishop Bernard Hebda of St. Paul-Minneapolis, participated in a silent walking protest Tuesday afternoon to the spot where George Floyd died in police custody last week, stopping to pray at the memorial that had …
Statement of U.S. Bishops’ President on George Floyd and the Protests in American Cities

May 31, 2020 WASHINGTON – Archbishop José H. Gomez of Los Angeles and president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has issued a statement on George Floyd and the protests in American cities that have taken place over the last several days. This follows the Friday statement from …
Venezuelan bishops: Country’s situation is ‘unacceptable’

CNA Staff, May 31, 2020 / 12:10 pm MT (CNA).- The Venezuelan bishops published an exhortation May 28 calling for “a consensus among all and an inclusive national accord” to save the country from “immense national, material, institutional and social catastrophe.” Under the socialist administration of President Nicolas Maduro, Venezuela …
Statement of U.S. Bishop Chairmen in Wake of Death of George Floyd and National Protests

May 29, 2020 WASHINGTON – Seven U.S. bishop chairmen of committees within the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops have issued a statement in the wake of the death of Mr. George Floyd and the protests which have broken out in Minneapolis and in other cities in the United States. Bishop …
Bishops urge DOJ to confront the porn industry, protect porn’s victims

CNA Staff, May 5, 2020 / 04:14 pm MT (CNA).- With pornographic website traffic spiking while countries remain on lockdown, the bishops of the United States are urging the Justice Department to protect victims of human trafficking and exploitation by enforcing obscenity laws and prosecuting producers of violent pornography. “We …
Faith in the ‘back row’- An interview with Chris Arnade

by JD Flynn Denver Newsroom, Apr 20, 2020 / 06:05 pm MT (CNA).- Chris Arnade is the author and photographer of “Dignity: Seeking Respect in Back Row America.” His book is a look at how many Americans – in rural and urban communities across the country- live. Chris got to …
Pope proposes considering a ‘universal basic wage’

Vatican City, Apr 12, 2020 / 06:15 pm (CNA).- In an Easter letter to members of popular movements and organizations, Pope Francis suggested that the coronavirus crisis may be an occasion to consider a universal basic wage. “I know that you have been excluded from the benefits of globalization,” he …
Photo Essay: Prayer of Thanksgiving for Maribel Trujillo Diaz

Witness from Mairbel Trujillo Diaz More than anything, first of all, I want to thank my God for being here with my family and all of you. If anyone asks me how a spent those long months apart from my family, I would say “in prayer”. When I arrived at …
A point of view from the Capitol
By Pam Long Regional Social Action Director About the closest I came to seeing Pope Francis was on the jumbotron on the West Lawn of the Capitol, but what I really got to see was the face of the Catholic Church in the United States. Around me were Latinas, African …
Archdiocese represents church position at immigration event
By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Leaders from business, faith and law communities came together Aug. 28 for a pair of roundtable discussions on immigration at the Freedom Center in downtown Cincinnati. The event was sponsored by the Bibles, Badges, and Business (BBB) network, an alliance of conservative business, law …