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Social Action Office
Easter Triduum Reflections 2019

March 6: Ash Wednesday Invitation to prayer: Come, Holy Spirit. Guide me into and through this holy season of Lent. Reflection: As we celebrate Ash Wednesday and the beginning of our Lenten season, we hear the Lord’s invitation: “Return to me with your whole heart.” God is inviting us deeper …
Why the Farm Bill matters to all of us.

Every five years, Congress reauthorizes a largely unnoticed piece of legislation dubbed the Farm Bill. But this important law sets federal budget levels for nutrition programs ranging from SNAP – commonly called Food Stamps – and food pantries, many of them operated by parishes. Additionally, this wide-ranging bill sets agricultural …
Archbishop Dennis Schnurr’s Statement on Refugees and Immigrants

The human dignity of refugees and immigrants should be the central consideration in any approach to the issues they present. During my annual question and answer session with Catholic high school students from around the Archdiocese yesterday, one of the students showed me a photograph of a Syrian refugee family …
Local service to celebrate beatification of Oscar Romero
Report The Catholic Social Action, Mission, and Family and Respect Life Offices, and the Society of St. Vincent De Paul, will participate in a celebration “In the Sprit of Romero,” 7-9 p.m. Wednesday, May 20, at Bellarmine Chapel on the campus of Xavier University. Archbishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador, …
Area Muslim leaders tour Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains (Photos)

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Board members and other volunteers of the Islamic Center of Greater Cincinnati toured the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains Wednesday, April 15 with Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr. The visit was reciprocal, as Archbishop Schnurr had toured the Islamic Center in 2010.