Posts Tagged
Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur
Obituary: Sister Damienne Grismer, SNDdeN

Sister Damienne Grismer, SNDdeN July 6, 1929 – January 15, 2021 “My daughter, what I ask with all my heart for you and for your sisters is a very great simplicity of heart and soul in all your behavior, the great liberty of the children of God.” (Saint Julie Billiart, …
Obituary: Sister Mary Jo D’Amico, SNDdeN

Sister Mary Jo D’Amico, SNDdeN May 26, 1931 – January 12, 2021 “You do more good by training one good teacher than by looking after a hundred boarders.” (Saint Julie Billiart, p. 67, To Heaven on Foot) Mary Josephine D’Amico was the oldest child and only daughter in a close-knit …
Obituary: Sister Anne Denise Blake, SNDdeN

Sister Anne Denise Blake, SNDdeN August 14, 1929 – January 5, 2021 By her own account, Anne Denise’s introduction to the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur was an artistic rendering of St. Julie’s mantra How good is the good God. There it was, front and center, in her freshman …
Obituary: Sister Genevieve Moran, SNDdeN

Sister Genevieve Moran, SNDdeN February 22, 1926 – January 8, 2021 True charity has for its basis, above all, the spirit of faith. This spirit of faith makes us see, respect, love and serve Our Lord Jesus Christ in each one of our Sisters. The spirit of faith makes all …
Obiturary: Sister Gwen Koza, SNDdeN

Sister Gwen Koza SNDdeN May 4, 1927 – December 29, 2020 Mildred Gwendolyn Koza was the oldest child of Thomas and Mildred Koza. Gwen’s father died before Gwen’s third birthday, leaving her mother with Gwen and a newborn baby. Mrs. Koza left Gwen with her paternal grandparents in Michigan City, …
Obituary: Sister Mary Margaret Fischer, SNDdeN

Sister Mary Margaret Fischer SNDdeN June 28, 1927 – December 17, 2020 Mary Margaret Fischer, the fifth child and third daughter of a working-class family, was born just in time to have vivid memories of growing up during the Great Depression. Her parents were both of German descent. Her father’s …
Eight elderly religious sisters die of coronavirus in Wisconsin

CNA Staff, Dec 19, 2020 / 04:01 am MT (CNA).- Eight elderly religious sisters died of COVID-19 complications in one week at a retirement home for the School Sisters of Notre Dame near Milwaukee. “Even though they’re older and most of the sisters that did go to God are in …
Mount Notre Dame Celebrates 160 Years

Mount Notre Dame High School (MND) enters this school year carrying on a 160-year “tradition of the quality education and growth,” it’s provided since it started as a boarding academy, said the school’s president. And though tradition is important to maintain and instill in the young women of Mount Notre …
Obituary: Sister Frances Mary of the Sacred Heart Schoenung

Sister Frances Mary of the Sacred Heart Schoenung, SNDdeN June 22, 1930 – February 8, 2020 Sister Frances Mary was born Marguerite Rose Schoenung. She and her twin sister were the fourth and fifth children and eldest daughters of what would grow to be a household of 12 children, two loving …
Obituary: Sister Joyce Hoben SNDdeN

Ancestors of Joyce Hoben moved from Maryland to Kentucky in the 1790s and early 1800’s. There, they put down deep roots and helped build up the Catholic faith. Both of Joyce’s parents were well educated and skilled in music and literature. Joyce was the youngest of the Hoben’s seven children, …