Posts Tagged

Shine On

When I was 19, I traveled to the poorest country on this side of the world. As a middle-class, Midwestern white-kid traveling to Haiti on a mission trip, I had strong faith and missionary zeal, but nothing could have prepared me for the kind of abject poverty I had only …

The 1973 short story, The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas, tells of a utopia complete with green fields, blue skies, shimmering buildings and happy people. But the city is built on a dark truth. In the bowels of the city, in the basement of a building, there exists a …

About one year ago – on August 5, 2019, to be exact – my five-year-old son jumped off a cliff. Yes, literally. But don’t worry, he’s fine. We were in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, the cliff was about 25 feet, we were at a very popular spot where tourists …

What will people remember about you after you die? The 2000 film Cast Away tells the story of FedEx employee Chuck Noland, who washes up on an uninhabited island after his plane crashes somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. After four years of isolation, he is rescued and finds himself on …