Posts Tagged
share the journey
How to Create a Sense of Community in Your Parish

How would you describe a parish with a strong sense of community? You might say it’s warm and welcoming. It’s a place where people care for you and make you feel like you belong. It’s a place where there is fellowship and laughter, where the people feel like family. Parishes, …
my life was almost VERY different

My life is full of coincidences. Major ones. What do I make of that in light of faith?
Seize the Moment: A Christian Life of Biblical Proportions

There are many falls on a pilgrimage. No one teaches us this more poignantly than Jesus. His humanity was on full display when He fell three times under the weight of the Cross on His way to be crucified. It’s both alarming and relatable to see the God-man fall and …
US Bishops launch share the journey site

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has launched a website to help parishes, clergy, and laypeople with Pope Francis’s “Share the Journey” campaign. The two-year campaign launched on Sept. 27 in Vatican City at the pope’s weekly audience is aimed at “to promote encounters between people on …
Archbishop Schnurr asks Catholics to join letter campaign for Immigration Fix

The Archdiocese of Cincinnati is joining with the other Roman Catholic dioceses in Ohio on a campaign to generate 10,000 letters to our congressional delegates, urging them to support the DREAM Act or similar legislation to provide a path to regularize the status of immigrants brought to the United States …
Share hope with those seeking better lives, pope says

By Junno Arocho Esteves VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The same hope that moves people to seek a better life for themselves and their loved ones also moves the hearts of men and women to welcome migrants and refugees with open arms, Pope Francis said. “Those who come to our land …
‘Share the journey,’ embrace migrants, refugees, pope says
IMAGE: CNS/Paul Haring By Cindy Wooden VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Christ calls believers to welcome migrants and refugees “with arms wide open, ready to give a sincere, affectionate, enveloping embrace,” Pope Francis said, launching the “Share the Journey” campaign of Catholic charities around the world. Christians’ embrace of people fleeing …