Posts Tagged
Seton High School
A picture says a thousand words: Seton High School Shows Support

Seton High School wore Seton green and purple today to show their support and prayers for McKenzie Custer ’17 and her brother Ryan Custer (Elder ’16). Ryan Custer was injured in April in Oxford Ohio. He’s a freshman at Wright State University.
A picture says a thousand words: High School Theatre

Throughout the spring there were many theatre productions in Archdiocese of Cincinnati School’s. Here’s a peak at some of them
A picture says a thousand words: Looking back at St. Patrick’s Day

Friday was St. Patrick’s Day and here’s a peak at some activities in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.
A picture says a thousand words: Seton High School Medals at Nationals.

Seton High School’s Varsity Dance Team placed 3rd in Small Varsity POM and 4th in Small Varsity Hip Hop at the UDA Nationals this past weekend in Orlando, Florida.
A picture says a thousand words: Seton Dance Team

The Seton High School Varsity Dance Team prepares for the National Dance Team Championship.
A Picture says a thousand words: Catholic Schools Week 2017

It’s Catholic Schools Week. Here’s some images from around the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.
Around the Archdiocese for Feb. 6: Minor Prophets win on major play

Seminarian Chris Geiger takes a shot against tough competition at Cardinal Pacelli. (Courtesy Photo/Susan Declercq) Staff Report Ordinarily, it wouldn’t be seen as positive news for a group of college-aged men to beat junior high students in a game of basketball, but when the Minor Prophets play, it is always …
Around the Archdiocese: First week of December

Staff Report Below are news items from around the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Mercy students collect canned goods with papal flair Mother of Mercy High School was one of many to collect food for the needy prior to thanksgiving, but the Bobcats did it with a unique approach. Two weeks before …
Catholic School grads form web development company
By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Are you the managing director of your own company yet? Mike Letscher is, and he graduated from St. Xavier High School just last month.