Posts Tagged
September 2022
Bengals Nation Catholics

We are primed for another season as the defending AFC North Champions, which makes this a natural moment to review the perennially confusing question: can we really “pray for a Bengals win?” As the Cincinnati Bengals Catholic Chaplain, my answer regarding prayers for sports teams is “that depends on your …
Serving on and off the Court

That’s a phrase anyone who meets Jim Brooks will likely hear, no matter the weather or conditions. Brooks sees this as an uplifting mindset. “We should all fill in the blank: ‘It’s a great day for’ because it truly is great to be alive, to live for and love others …
Life beyond the Finish Line

Watching the Olympics is a passionate experience. It’s intense, witnessing the world’s most excellent athletes drive themselves to mind-blowing achievements. In 2012, I saw Oscar Pistorius rise to greatness, racing without lower legs. This year, I witnessed Shaun White defy gravity on his snowboard. Their talent is incredible and I’ll …
Diving In Aqua Bombers Carry Faith into the pool

The historic St. Xavier High School swimming and diving team received has multiple accolades— including, most recently, placing second place at the state competition in March. Additionally, senior Gavin Hang and head swimming and diving coach, Dave Albert, were named Cincinnati/NKY Winter Sports All-Stars. But it’s more than just the …
Literal or Symbolic?

QUESTION OF FAITH Literal or Symbolic? How do we know which parts of the Bible are to be taken literally and which symbolically? A difficult aspect of interpreting the Bible is whether certain verses should be taken literally or figuratively. For instance, the first two chapters of Genesis each contain …
Saint Sebastian

Written by Gail Finke Illustrated by Emma Cassani 1852 St. Sebastian parish formed for German-speaking parishioners of St. Rose and St. John the Baptist parishes. Traveling Precious Blood Fathers celebrated Mass. 1853 Temporary church built. The name was proposed by the oldest parishioner, Sebastian Schraner. 1879 Brick church, designed by …
Is your Parish Running Like a Major League Team?

Is your parish running like a little league team or a major league team? You might not think winning matters much when it comes to your Catholic parish, but winning a baseball game is far less important than winning a soul for Christ. Let’s take a look at four differences …
An Integral Vision of Man

This article is part of an ongoing series on Pope St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body (TOB). For many months now, we have explored Pope St. John Paul II’s reflections on “original man” (i.e., man and woman before the Fall). We pondered original solitude, original unity and original …
Book Review: The Genesis of Gender

As recently as 10 years ago, very few people expected that we would have serious public debates in 2022 about what pronouns to use for people; whether public schools could be compelled to allow boys to use girls’ restrooms; if 14-year-old children should be permitted to have mutilating surgery on …