Posts Tagged
Sensory Friendly Mass
A Sense of Belonging

by Patricia McGeever Alan Millhouse has all the interests of a typical teenager. He plays second base on his baseball team. He plays basketball, soccer and the drums. Math is his favorite subject. He has a girlfriend, loves XBOX, and is starting his sophomore in high school. Alan, 17, also …
Sensory Friendly Masses in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati

Sensory-Friendly Mass is perfect for any person who struggles with the crowds, noise, sights, and smells of the typical liturgy. The sound is softer, the lighting is lower, and there are adaptive Missals available, but the biggest difference is that there isn’t any stigma. Even if you or your child …
Pope Francis: Disabled people are not in humanity’s minor ‘leagues’

By Hannah Brockhaus Vatican City, Dec 3, 2019 / 10:03 am (CNA).- Pope Francis said Tuesday that disabled people make important contributions to humanity, and called discrimination against them a sin. The pope added that disabled people are not members of humanity’s minor “leagues.” “We are called to recognize in …
Sensory-Friendly Christmas Mass A Christmas Service for all.

Dayton, OH: St. Henry Catholic Church in conjunction with the Office for Respect Life Ministries for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati will be providing a Sensory-Friendly Mass on Christmas Day at 11:30am. This service will be perfect for any person who struggles with the crowds, noise, sights, and smells of the …
Welcoming Those with Special Needs to the Lord’s Table

By Noelle Collis-DeVito I sat there at Mass two pews behind a family who had a little boy with special needs. His parents struggled with him as he moved around the pew, played with the books and even occasionally spoke to them. During the homily he began to recite the …