Posts Tagged
Seize the Moment
Seize the Moment: Tackling the Tall Task of Parenthood

How did you learn your prayers? Maybe it was from an elementary school teacher, a children’s book or a pious grandmother. Or, perhaps you learned your prayers from a kindly priest, a Sunday school catechist or a friend. I learned mine from my dad. CHILDHOOD MEMORIES You should know something …
Seize the Moment: Who are you, really?

Before I started working for the Church, I was a counselor. Sometimes I would ask my clients to complete an “I am” statement: “I am ____.” It’s amazing how varied the answers can be: I am worthless. I am hopeless. I am unlovable. I am a failure. Each one is …
Seize the Moment: That Time the Apostles Were Quarantined

The apostles were once under a mandated quarantine. It’s true. You can read all about it in the first two chapters of the Book of Acts. After Jesus rose from the dead, he appeared to the Apostles over a period of 40 days. Then, he ordered them to stay in …
Seize the Moment: “Frozen” Before the Father

My 7-year old daughter made me cry the other day. There’s something you should know about my daughter: she never sings, dances, or performs in front of me. She’ll go to her room, shut the door, tell Alexa to play the Frozen soundtrack, and sing her little heart out. She’ll …
Seize the Moment: Failure and Freedom on the Road to Easter

By the time you read this, I will be two months into Exodus 90. I’ll also be hungry – very, very hungry. In case you’re wondering, no, there are not 90 chapters in the Book of Exodus. Exodus 90 is a 90-day spiritual exercise for men, a kind of personal …
Seize the Moment: The Night My Son Met the Real Me by Nicholas Hardesty

I prayed over my five-year old son the other day. He was on day three of a stomach bug, and I was willing to look like a fool if it meant his healing.Even a couple months ago, I would not have done such a thing. I’ve prayed over other people …
Seize the Moment: 5 Ways to Seize the Advent Season

Are you ready for Christmas?” I dread that question. After all, who is ever really ready for the cooking, cleaning, packing, traveling, buying, wrapping and even fighting that fill up our typical preparations for the holidays? Not me. The good news is that Advent doesn’t have to be that way. …
Seize the Moment: Campfires and Continuity of Faith

Next year, the men in my family will celebrate an important milestone: 25 years of going on an annual camping trip together. When it all started, my dad and uncle were there, but the rest of us were just boys. We idolized the grown-ups for their ability to pitch a …
Seize the Moment: Manual Labor and the Master’s Work

I can do a great deal of thinking on the top rung of a ladder. Chief among my thoughts is “Dear God, don’t let me fall,” but I’m also thinking other things too: “Go slow,” “Be careful,” and “You got this.” And then, on my most recent ascent, a new …
Seize the Moment: Going for It in Prayer, Like a Prophet Would

I work with some amazing people. I’m talking one-of-a-kind people. Passionate. On-fire-for-the-Lord people. Honest-to-God disciples on mission. It’s rare, awesome and a complete honor. But it has also been very humbling and convicting, and it has made me realize that I have a lot of learning and growing to do. …