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Seek The Lord

Growing up has always had its difficulties, but young people today face a particularly challenging environment in our country–rising violence, such as riots and horrific school shootings; civil discourse that is increasingly uncivil; and a secularist culture that continues to push faith to the margins as weekly religious practice declines. …

“Pro-life” is not just a slogan or even a philosophy; it is the Christian way of life that respects, defends and promotes what Pope St. John Paul II called “the dignity of every human person, at every moment and in every condition of that person’s life” (Evangelium vitae 81). This issue …

The episcopal consecration of Bishop-elect Earl K. Fernandes and his installation as the 13th bishop of the Diocese of Columbus is an occasion for great joy as one of our own archdiocesan priests joins the college of bishops. Although we will miss his incredible intellect, unflagging energy and compassion for …

Devotion to the saints, those holy men and women who have gone before us on earth and are now with God in heaven, has been a vital part of Catholic culture and practice from the earliest centuries of the Church. In particular, we venerate the Blessed Virgin Mary. We honor …

Our traditions have a way of bringing us together, uniting people from different regions, backgrounds and ways of life behind a common passion – the love of our shared faith. Each year, we see an example of this as faithful Catholics from our archdiocese and surrounding dioceses gather to “pray …

March brings us to Lent, that solemn season of the Church year in which we are called to prayer, fasting and almsgiving. It is also a time to reevaluate our lives, reflecting on how we can more perfectly radiate Christ as joyful witnesses. Given our fallen human nature, this is …

Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr interview with WLWT
The pandemic-necessitated change from physical to virtual interactions in business, education and even entertainment reminded us that in-person communication is the fullest and best form of communication. That is why God became one of us through the Incarnation. And yet, the Good News has always reached the largest numbers of …

Catholic schools have a well-deserved reputation for providing a high-quality, holistic education and producing successful, well-rounded young scholars. The most important thing about Catholic schools, however, is that they are Catholic. Our mission is not to just graduate scholars, but to form disciples who desire to know, love and serve …

One of our great treasures as Catholics is the rhythm of the Church calendar in which the hopeful message of God’s great love for us is renewed each year in a way that is familiar yet always new. A new Church year has just begun with the First Sunday of …

All Souls Day immediately follows All Saints Day in the Church calendar for good reason: Vatican II’s Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Lumen Gentium, reaffirms our ancient faith as Catholics “in the living communion which exists between us and our brothers and sisters who are in the glory of heaven …