Posts Tagged
School Service
Mid Summer in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati: Bishop Fenwick travels to Tennessee

It was the Bishop Fenwick Falcons on mission! 13 students, Mr. Goodale, and Mrs. Yost spent a week with Glenmary Home Missioners in the mountains of Tennessee. They went not really knowing what to expect, and they left renewed and transformed by the simplicity, beauty, and goodness they encountered there.
High Schools Giving Back: Depaul Cristo Rey, Mount Notre Dame, St. Xavier & St. Ursula Academy

DePaul Cristo Rey Assistant Principal Kerrie Katsetos and Spanish Teacher Michael Delaney accompanied five students to Nazareth Farm in rural West Virginia over the summer. Nazareth Farm is a Catholic community that transforms lives through a service retreat experience. The DPCR group worked with students from other schools on repairs …
High Schools Giving Back: Badin and Carroll High Schools

Badin High School Badin High School’s annual “Summer in Solidarity” Christian Service outreach program in 2018 took 12 students to Solsberry Hill outside Bloomington, Ind.; six students to Nazareth Farm in Salem, W.Va.; and 13 students to the Dominican Republic. “Our Summer in Solidarity service program offers students the opportunity …