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Ordination Traditions

Explore the traditions of this joyous time in pictures For coverage of the 2021 ordination, click here. This article first appeared online in May 2018. Tradition of the first blessing Waiting to receive a blessing from a new priest is a longstanding ordination day tradition. After Mass, the new priests …
Seek the Lord: September

Summer is most associated with vacation and fun activities. Perhaps it is appropriate, then, that the unofficial end of summer is a holiday that celebrates workers – Labor Day. The Catholic Church, which honors St. Joseph the Worker with a feast day on May 1, has a good deal to …
Busca al Senor: septiembre

El verano está más asociado con vacaciones y actividades divertidas. Tal vez sea apropiado, entonces, que el final del verano, no oficial, sea un día feriado que celebre a los trabajadores: el Día del Trabajo. La Iglesia Católica, que honra a San José Obrero con una fiesta el 1 de …
Archdiocese’s summer youth programs lead the way to Christ

By Gail Finke As a scorching summer burns to a close, thoughts turn from camps and concerts to school, fall sports, and programs organized around the academic year. Summer youth programs at parishes, schools, and organizations – many that have long histories, others new and fast-growing – have …
St. Paul Parish (Sharpsburg) Celebrates 150 Years

By Sharon Semanie Families whose names included Timmerman, Essers and Schmitz were among pioneer neighbors in rural Mercer County instrumental in building St. Paul Catholic Church in Sharpsburg, southeast of Fort Recovery. The original wooden-framed church built in 1868 cost $1,000, measured only 30 x 40 sq. ft., was 20 …
Busca al Senior: Agosto

“En lo que podría considerarse como la Iglesia doméstica, los padres, por palabra y ejemplo, son los primeros proclamadores de la fe con respecto a sus hijos”. En este pasaje de la Constitución Dogmática sobre la Iglesia (“Lumen Gentium”) del Concilio Vaticano II, la Iglesia enseña que los …
On Catholic education: Seek the Lord for August

“In what might be regarded as the domestic Church, the parents, by word and example, are the first heralds of the faith with regard to their children.” In this passage from the Second Vatican Council’s Dogmatic Constitution on the Church (“Lumen Gentium”), the Church teaches that parents have …
Being a Catholic and a citizen

Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr’s column for July The Declaration of Independence, which we celebrate on July 4, declares the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness to be God-given and therefore “unalienable.” Catholic social justice teaching agrees. These are not only civil rights, but human rights. The Church …
Busca al Señor: Julio

La Declaración de Independencia, que celebramos el 4 de Julio, declara que los derechos de la vida, la libertad y la búsqueda de la felicidad deben ser dados por Dios y, por lo tanto, “propios”. La enseñanza de la justicia social católica está de acuerdo. Estos no son solo derechos …