Posts Tagged
Satan and the Devil

Do Catholics believe in the existence of Satan? Is Satan the same as the devil? A significant number of Christians do not believe in Satan. They consider him representative of evil, but not an active being. Yet the Catholic tradition has long acknowledged the existence of Satan and associated with …
How the ‘satanic’ New York City courthouse statue is all about abortion

by Peter Pinedo, Zelda Caldwell Washington D.C., Jan 28, 2023 / 06:00 am An unusual new 8-foot-tall golden statue standing on top of a New York City courthouse has sparked controversy, with many across the country reacting to its unveiling with shock and disgust. One media outlet even called it a “satanic golden …
Catholic exorcist says Converse pentagram shoes ‘create a fascination with evil’

by Joe Bukuras Washington D.C., Aug 3, 2021 / 10:32 am A Catholic exorcist said on Tuesday that a recently-unveiled Converse shoe with a pentagram design could lead to a fascination with the occult. “The danger with these types of things,” Fr. Vincent Lampert told CNA, “is that they create …
Pope Francis: Christian life ‘is a battle against the spirit of evil’

by Hannah Brockhaus Vatican City, Feb 21, 2021 / 05:35 am MT (CNA).- Like Jesus was tempted by Satan in the desert, Christians must be prepared to battle evil, knowing that “with faith, prayer, and penance,” the victory is assured, Pope Francis said Sunday. In his weekly Angelus address, the …