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The Sign of the Cross

What is the origin and meaning of the Sign of the Cross? The holiest of signs is the Sign of the Cross. As Catholics, we make it so often that perhaps we take it for granted. It is a profound and powerful act that invokes the Trinity, Jesus’ crucifixion, and …
The Challenge and Blessing of Hospitality

What is hospitality? You might say hospitality means welcoming people and making them feel at home. It means being friendly and generous, especially toward strangers. This is true—but when we turn to the Bible, several themes indicate there is much more at stake. A SALVATION ISSUE The Modern Catholic Dictionary …
Bishop Daly: Catholic schools should embrace faith, never compromise

by Jonah McKeown Denver Newsroom, Nov 18, 2020 / 03:07 am MT (CNA).- The U.S. bishops’ new chairman-elect for Catholic education says he hopes to bring his experience as a Catholic school teacher and president, as well as pastor of two parishes, into his new position. In an increasingly secular …
Can Non-Christians be Saved?

Q: Is there any hope of salvation for those who are not Catholic or Christian? What is to become of those who do not accept Jesus as their savior (such as those who follow the Jewish or Muslim faiths)? A; Each year on Good Friday, Catholics pray an extended set …