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Age for Receiving Sacraments

How is it decided what is the proper age for receiving Holy Communion and Confirmation? Why do some parishes offer the sacraments at different ages? The age considered proper for sacramental reception has changed over time. In the early Church, the sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Communion) were …
‘The Phenomenon’ is baptized at age 46: Soccer great Ronaldo Nazario embraces Catholic faith

By Diego Lopez Marina ACI Prensa Staff, Sep 13, 2023 / 14:15 pm Tuesday was a special day for Ronaldo Luís Nazario da Lima, the Brazilian and world soccer legend nicknamed “O Fenômeno” (“The Phenomenon”), who at the age of 46 took a significant step in his life of faith by …
Baptize baby or let them decide when they’re older?

Many parents these days are taking the “wait and see” approach with religion, not having their children baptized and letting them decide when they’re older.
Will Catholics return to Mass after the pandemic? Many want to go more often

CNA Staff, Sep 21, 2020 / 04:08 pm MT (CNA).- The coronavirus pandemic is affecting the way many Catholics think about their faith, a new study has found, and just over half of Catholic likely voters say that once restrictions are lifted, they plan to attend Mass more frequently than …
My baptism was valid…right?

by Jonah McKeown Denver Newsroom, Aug 24, 2020 / 05:24 pm MT (CNA).- Last week, the news broke that Father Matthew Hood of the Archdiocese of Detroit had this summer learned that he was not validly baptized— despite believing that he had been ordained a priest in 2017. Hood thought …
Vatican: Baptisms administered ‘in name of the community’ are invalid

by Hannah Brockhaus Vatican City, Aug 6, 2020 / 04:03 am MT (CNA).- The Vatican’s doctrinal office issued Thursday a clarification on the sacrament of baptism, stating changes to the formula to emphasize community participation are not permitted. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith responded to a question …
Archdiocese of Cincinnati Public Masses begin Memorial Day, May 25

Guidelines for the Resumption of Public Worship: Guidelines for the Resumption of Public Worship Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Over the past eight weeks, the Bishops of Ohio have met on a regular basis to discuss recommendations and requirements put in place by the State of Ohio and the medical …
Experts offer a path to reopening churches, and the sacraments

CNA Staff, Apr 30, 2020 / 04:00 pm MT (CNA).- As more Catholic dioceses begin to resume public Masses during the coronavirus pandemic, a group of theologians and medical experts has provided guidance for doing so as safely as possible. “With proper safeguards to prevent infection, and integrating the scientific …
Question of Faith: May a Catholic be “ordained” to officiate at a wedding outside the Catholic Church?

In the age of the internet, it is possible to be “ordained” a minister in a matter of minutes. The virtual churches that offer online ordinations do not require any education or training. They style themselves as “multi-denominational” or “nondenominational,” and do not ask for assent to a specific Creed …
Rite of Election gathers faithful preparing to join Church

The Archdiocese of Cincinnati celebrated the Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion in Cincinnati and Dayton on March 10 with those who will be welcomed into the Catholic faith at Easter. Father Jan Schmidt presided at the celebrations at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains, with Bishop …