Posts Tagged
RIght to Life
New Pro-life Coalition Formed for Ohio

A new coalition of Ohio pro-life organizations announced its formation at the Bringing America Back to Life conference in Cleveland last week. The Right to Life Action Coalition of Ohio (RTLACO) will focus on developing and strengthening local grass roots pro-life leadership; using a consistent, holistic pro-life standard to evaluate …
How to get the most out of the March for Life, even if you can’t go

By Gail Finke The annual March for Life is a chance to stop, pray, refocus, and recommit to doing what you can to uphold the dignity of all human life, from conception to natural death. The March’s particular focus is on the dignity of the unborn, who are human beings …
Bus trips to March for Life cancelled but local activities abound

A major snow storm is expected to dump more than a foot of snow in the Washington D.C. area and in several places along the route many busses would take while returning to the region from the nation’s capital. As a result, the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and Dioceses of Covington have …
Willke, a Catholic doctor and longtime pro-life advocate, dies at 89

By Catholic News Service CINCINNATI — Dr. John “Jack” Willke, an obstetrician and a former president of the National Right to Life Committee who is credited with helping shape the pro-life movement, died Feb. 20 at his home in Cincinnati. He was 89. A funeral Mass was to be celebrated …
‘Biggest human rights rally’ returns for March for Life
By Sarah McCarthy Catholic News Service WASHINGTON — “The biggest human rights rally in the world,” as one regular participant described it, will return to the nation’s capital for the annual March for Life Jan. 22. The 42nd rally on the National Mall and march to Capitol Hill marks the …
Area abortion clinics face possible shutdown

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph In October, Ohio Right to Life broke the news that the Women’s Med Center, an abortion clinic in Sharonville, had its license revoked by the state for failing to comply with Ohio law requiring it have a transfer agreement with a local hospital. Just …
Sharonville abortion clinic denied license renewal
Press Release Catholic Social Action Office A press release from Ohio Right to Life issued yesterday reports on the revocation of the license of the Lebanon Road Surgery Center, an abortion clinic near Cincinnati. A state health examiner affirmed the order to revoke the license after this abortion clinic, operated by …