Posts Tagged
respect life
American Heritage Girls: Respect Life Patch Program Encourages Girls to Support Life in the Community

by Bonny Van When it comes to scouting for girls, there is more to it than friendships, adventure and fun. For members of American Heritage Girls (AHG), there are lessons on life, including a focus on respecting life “from conception to natural death,” according to Patti Garibay, founder of AHG, …
Being Pro-Life: The Broad Spectrum of Life Issues

I have been writing this column for two years, discussing various Respect Life topics each month. The vast majority of comments I receive about this column and its related videos/podcasts are positive. Readers and listeners appreciate that issues that often go unnoticed receive attention, and enjoy learning how to volunteer …
Does ‘Fratelli tutti’ change Church teaching on the death penalty?

by Matt Hadro Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Oct 6, 2020 / 06:00 am MT (CNA).- In his new encyclical, Pope Francis reiterated that the death penalty is “inadmissible.” Did the pope change centuries of Church teaching with that statement? A leading theologian told CNA that the pope’s teaching was a development, …
Linden Cameron shooting ‘devastating,’ Catholic disability group says

by JD Flynn Denver Newsroom, Sep 27, 2020 / 12:00 pm MT (CNA).- The director of a Catholic organization focused on the needs of people with disabilities said Wednesday that the police shooting of a Utah boy with autism points to the importance of advocacy, understanding, and compassion for people …
Knights of Columbus organize novena for Respect Life Month

CNA Staff, Sep 24, 2020 / 11:01 am MT (CNA).- The Knights of Columbus announced Tuesday a “Novena for the Cause of Life” as part of Respect Life Month, observed in October. The novena will take place Oct. 4-12. Each day of the novena will include a decade of the …
US bishops to Trump: ‘Enough. Stop these executions’

CNA Staff, Sep 22, 2020 / 02:45 pm MT (CNA).- The Catholic bishops of the United States on Tuesday implored President Donald Trump to halt two federal executions set to take place this week. “We say to President Trump and Attorney General Barr: Enough. Stop these executions.” “After the first …
U.S. Bishop Chairmen Lament Additional Federal Executions

WASHINGTON —Archbishop Paul S. Coakley of Oklahoma City, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development, and Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann of Kansas City in Kansas, chairman of the USCCB’s Committee on Pro-Life Activities, issued the following statement in light of additional …
Catholics pray for Navajo man scheduled for federal execution

by Jonah McKeown Denver Newsroom, Aug 19, 2020 / 03:00 am MT (CNA).- Catholics are speaking out on behalf of a Native American man on federal death row, who is set to be executed this month. The man’s tribe, the Navajo Nation, objects to the death sentence and has asked …
Mater Filius: New respect life ministry goes the extra mile to help expectant moms in crisis pregnancies with housing, job training, education, workshops and emotional support.

A modest home on Cincinnati’s West Side will soon provide a safe haven for expectant mothers in need, along with a variety of services to help them recognize the blessings their children are and that they are not alone on their journeys. Mater Filius (Latin for “Mother and Son”) was …
Court denies Catholic priest’s motion asking for delay of prisoner’s execution

CNA Staff, Jul 14, 2020 / 04:01 pm MT (CNA).- The chief judge of a federal district court in Indiana denied Tuesday a motion to delay the execution of Dustin Honken, which is scheduled to take place Friday, until a treatment or vaccine for coronavirus is widely available. Fr. Mark …