Posts Tagged
Respect Life Month
U.S. bishops urge ‘radical solidarity’ with mothers for Respect Life Month

By Tyler Arnold Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Sep 19, 2023 / 13:30 pm The United States Catholic bishops are calling on the faithful to embrace “radical solidarity” with mothers who are facing difficult or challenging pregnancies this October, which the Church in the United States has observed as “Respect Life Month” since 1973. Arlington …
Seek the Lord for October 2022

God creates each human being in an act of divine love. As Catholics, we believe human life begins at conception and unfolds over the span of time we are given on this earth until our natural death. It is our firm hope that God, who created us in love and …
Why Capital Punishment is “Inadmisible”

A pending bill in the Ohio General Assembly, S.B. 103 (the “Bill”), if passed and signed by Governor DeWine, will abolish the death penalty in Ohio. Cincinnati Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr, on behalf of himself and all the Catholic bishops of Ohio, has submitted written testimony endorsing the Bill and …
Faith For Life

Why do you support Church teaching on life issues? Perhaps becoming a parent opened your eyes to the reality of life in the womb. Maybe a loved one’s end-of-life struggle showed you the dignity of life at all stages. There are many good reasons to choose. For Vivian Koob, founder …
Moving Forward After Miscarriage

I remember seeing the small plus sign on my pregnancy test, and a smile spread across my face. Stepping out into the buzzing activity of our home, I held up the test for Andrew to see. He was late on his way out the door to an evening meeting and …
Who Do You See in the mirror?

“Mom, I love you. You know what I love about you? I love that your arm is so squishy and soft to lay on.” So spoke my six-year-old daughter as she snuggled up next to me in bed. The pattern of my thoughts at her words went something like this: …
Seek the Lord: October 2021

Every month should be, in a sense, Respect Life Month. There is no time or circumstance in which respect for life is not demanded of Christians. During October, however, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) asks us to give special attention to the sanctity, dignity and rights of every …
Seeing Through the Eyes of Christ

by Katie Sciba My favorite children’s book is You Are Special by Max Lucado. It’s the story of a creature whose life is defined by what others think of him, which only worsens his low self-esteem. The tragedy of the story lies not in the main character, who eventually learns …
Catholic at Home: Talking to your Kids about Abortion

I went to church and grade school across the street from a third-trimester abortion center. Back then, the pro-life movement was more angry than merciful, and, as a small child, I saw protesters on the sidewalk holding up graphic posters of aborted babies. I heard them yelling horrible accusations at …
Ultrasound Initiative: Donations Bring State of the Art Equipment to Lebanon & Wapakoneta

by Eileen Connelly, OSU Shortly after an ultrasound machine was installed at Elizabeth’s New Life Center’s (ENLC) Women’s Center in Lebanon, the staff performed a scan on a young woman with no support who was fearful of going through her pregnancy alone. While receptive to the center’s services and discussion …