Posts Tagged
Respect Life Fund
Today’s Video: An Unplanned Pregnancy During a Pandemic

With a pandemic and societal unrest outside our windows, the anxiety surrounding an unplanned pregnancy is high. The abortion industry has made abortion more accessible from home. But local pro-life organizations are giving hope, support, and confidence to parents who didn’t feel ready to be parents when they first walked …
Building “Hope” in Willowdell

Story & photos by Susie Bergman Connie McEldowney is very clear about one thing: The mission she oversees is not hers; it is God’s. As we sat together in the newly renovated St. Paul’s Church in tiny Willowdell, she cuddles and cares for the newest addition to her family: 2-month-old …
Respect Life Weekend: September 30th – October 1st.

Respect Life Weekend is September 30th through October 1st. To learn more: For more information or to donate to the Respect Life Fund, click here