Posts Tagged
Radiate Christ
Radiating Christ: Bobby Kenney III

Pictures are worth a thousand words. Looking at a picture of photographer and entrepreneur Bobby Kenney III, though, would only give you a glimpse of the faith journey he has been on in his life so far. Growing up in West Chester, Kenney admitted his connection to Christ wasn’t strong …
Radiating Christ: Mary Beth Koenig

When you strike up a conversation with Mary Beth Koenig, you’ll hear frequently about “God’s awesomeness.” Not only is that one of her favorite phrases, but in her actions and her words, she radiates how good God is. Mary Beth and her husband met at the University of Cincinnati and …
Radiating Christ: Hospital Chaplains

Their ministry is one of presence, prayer and bringing Christ’s love and comfort to others. The team of six chaplains in the Department of Pastoral Care at Good Samaritan Hospital in Cincinnati fills these roles daily. According to Austin Schafer, manager for Mission and Pastoral Care for the Good Samaritan …
Radiating Christ: Dick Steineman

by Mark Danis True holiness requires the courage and humility to allow Christ to continue to live His earthly life through us, to utilize our human talents and passions in the service of God’s Kingdom. Dick Steineman never imagined his passion and talent for basketball would carry him around the …
Radiating Christ: Jake and Alyssa DeMange

We all know someone who inspires the faith of others. In the northern archdiocese, lovingly called “God’s Country” due to its large Catholic population and abundant churches, individuals who exuberantly radiate Christ are visible in nearly every community. Nestled among extraordinary wave makers, are individuals softly shining Christ’s love and …
You Radiate Christ

On July 3, 2017, my uncle Mark died suddenly and tragically. It was not a beautiful and gentle end to a long life. It was unexpected and painful. I’ll never forget getting the call that night from the police, informing me he had died. I’ll never forget driving my devastated …
Radiating the Love that Moves the Sun and Stars

Arguably the most important official document to proceed from the Second Vatican Council was the “Dogmatic Constitution on the Church,” written “to unfold more fully” the “inner nature and universal mission” of the Church. (LG 1.) The document is better known by its Latin title, “Lumen Gentium,” taken from its …
Seek the Lord September 2021 by Archbishop Dennis Schnurr

Throughout this bicentennial year of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, I have urged members of our local Church to radiate Christ. Far more than just a slogan, this is a call to conversion and action. Articles in this issue of The Catholic Telegraph profile individuals who have answered that call in …

A lo largo de este año del bicentenario de la Arquidiócesis de Cincinnati, he instado a los miembros de nuestra Iglesia local a irradiar a Cristo. Mucho más que un eslogan, este es un llamado a la conversión y a la acción. Los artículos en este número de The Catholic …
A Priest’s Perspective: Families of Parishes as Evangelizing Communities

This article is part of a series from Father Earl Fernandes exploring Families of Parishes. Click the links below to find other articles in the series. The Church as the Family of God Being a Synodal Church Synodality Walking with Christ, The Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary Synodality in …