Posts Tagged
Purcell Marian High School
Obituary: Brother John Richard Lemker
Brother John Richard LEMKER of the St. Leonard Community in Centerville, Ohio, USA, died in the service of the Blessed Virgin Mary on July 4, 2024, in Centerville, Ohio, USA, at the age of 91 with 72 years of religious profession. Brother John was a beloved teacher, religious formator, and …
Obituary: Sister of Charity of Cincinnati Teresa Dutcher dies at age 74
DELHI TOWNSHIP, OHIO – Nov. 10, 2023 – Sister of Charity of Cincinnati Teresa Dutcher died Nov. 5, 2023 at the age of 74 in Good Samaritan Hospital, Cincinnati. Sister Teresa was born on Nov. 9, 1948 to Rex and Barbara (Winslow) Dutcher in Lansing, Michigan. She was the oldest …
Obituary: Brother James Patrick Brown, SM
The Province of the United States recommends to our fraternal prayers our dear brother, James Patrick BROWN, of the Marianist Community at Alumni Hall, Dayton, Ohio, USA, who died in the service of the Blessed Virgin Mary on October 15, 2023, in Centerville, at the age of 82 with 63 …
Memorial Day Tribute to Father Joseph Beckman 1921-2021
Editor’s Note: Father Joseph Beckman passed away on Monday, July 19. Funeral Arrangements are pending. This article appeared in our Bicentennial Edition. World War II veteran. Journalist. Advocate for the poor. World traveler. As he approaches his 100 birthday, Father Joseph Beckman, the Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s oldest living priest, reflects …
Mary, Cincy, and an Immortal Phrase
![Purcell alumnus Roger Staubach heaves the “Hail Mary” pass to wide receiver Drew Pearson in 1975. (Courtesy Photo)](
Purcell Alumni Roger Staubach originated “Hail Mary” pass In 1975, a devout Catholic athlete from Cincinnati and the Mother of Christ connected on the gridiron. Roger Staubach, star Dallas Cowboys quarterback and Cincinnati Purcell High School graduate, was 50 yards from pay-dirt with 24 seconds to play in a National …
Roger Staubach lends name to Purcell Marian Home Stadium
CINCINNATI – Purcell Marian High School is pleased to announce Staubach Stadium as the name of their planned athletic complex, slated to open in the Fall of 2023. “We are thrilled to have Marianne and Roger Staubach’s support in the naming of this stadium. There isn’t a Cavalier today who …
Finding My Vocation in Catholic Schools
As Catholics, we believe God has a plan for every person. We are reminded in the archdiocesan vocation prayer: “Almighty Father, you have created us for some definite purpose…” Where did I first discover my purpose—my vocation? Definitely, in Catholic school! My Catholic high school principal in Maryland took me …
Queens of the Court
By the time Archbishop Alter and Purcell Marian high schools reached their respective girls basketball state tournament finals on March 12, they were ready to make a statement. In Division II, Alter left no doubt with a 54- 38 victory over Thornville Sheridan, while in Division III, Purcell Marian dispatched …
Obituary: Father Stephen Tutas
The General Administration and the Province of the United States recommend to our fraternal prayers our dear brother, Stephen TUTAS, priest, of the Cupertino Marianist Community, who died in the service of the Blessed Virgin Mary on April 16, 2022, in Cupertino, California, USA, at the age of 95 with …
Obituary: Father Harold James Bartlett
The Province of the United States recommends to our fraternal prayers our dear brother Harold James BARTLETT priest, of the Marianist Community at Sienna Woods, in Dayton, OH who died in the service of the Blessed Virgin Mary on January 10, 2022, in Dayton at the age of 85 with …