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More than 1,300 protest Planned Parenthood in archdiocese

Staff Report With each successive protest held against national abortion provider Planned Parenthood, more and more people are turning out to support life. Just less than a month after a weekday protest drew nearly 500 pro-lifers, on Saturday Aug. 22, more than 1,100 turned out for a #ProtestPP rally at …
Cross the Bridge for Life Sunday

Staff Report On Sunday, June 7, thousands of people from across the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and the Diocese of Covington will come together and witness for the unborn by crossing the Purple People Bridge (officially the Newport-Southbank Bridge), which spans the Ohio River from Newport on the Levee in Kentucky to Sawyer Point …
Infant’s death leads to unique ministry for parents

By Walt Schaefer For The Catholic Telegraph The death of an infant has led to the birth of a ministry. A birth normally prompts a family celebration but at times things go wrong. Some infants are stillborn, others survive less than a year because of congenital problems. Ava Diehl was …
Pro-lifers told to stay hopeful to overcome ‘shrine to personal choice’
By Mark Pattison Catholic News Service WASHINGTON — The winter storm that dealt a chilly body blow from the Great Plains to the East Coast may have rendered Archbishop Charles J. Chaput of Philadelphia unable to come to Washington to celebrate the Jan. 22 closing Mass of the annual National …
Groups from Archdiocese of Cincinnati reach March for Life

Staff Report Despite freezing temperatures and cancelled bus trips, several groups from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati noted on social media that they did, in fact, plan to make the trip to Washington D.C. for the March for Life.
House passes Pain ‘Capable Unborn Protection Act’

By Catholic News Service WASHINGTON (CNS) — The U.S. House June 18 passed the Pain Capable Unborn Protection Act to prohibit abortion nationwide after 20 weeks of gestation, approximately the stage at which scientists say unborn babies are capable of feeling pain. After heated debate on the floor of the …