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Guest Commentary: Artisans of the culture of life

by Sister Constance Veit, lsp Each October the Catholic Church in the United States observes Respect Life Month as a time to focus on the protection of God’s precious gift of human life. The theme of the month varies from year to year, but it usually concentrates our attention on …
Tennessee’s new pro-life legislation ‘designed to stand up to court challenges’

by Kate Scanlon Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Jun 27, 2020 / 06:01 am MT (CNA).- Tennessee’s new pro-life legislation is “designed to stand up to court challenges,” State Rep. Susan Lynn (R), a sponsor of the bill, said Thursday. Speaking during an interview on EWTN Pro-Life Weekly Friday, Lynn said that …
Editor’s Note: A Courageous “Yes” by Jessica Rinaudo

During the month of December, a group of women wrote daily Advent reflections for The Catholic Telegraph’s website. The writings were honest, funny, sometimes heart wrenching and always a beautiful reflection on preparing our hearts for the birth of our Savior. I was asked to write a few along the …
Question of Faith for November: Pro-Life teachings abound in the Bible

Q: Is the foundational concept of respect for life, especially concern for the unborn, something that is in the Bible or is it rooted more in church traditions? A: The Catholic Church is noted for its respect for life: from the moment of conception to natural death. Like all church …
Life’s 5th Quarter Fills Holy Name

Holy Name Church in Mt. Auburn was full of pro-life students and their families on Halloween weekend for the latest Life’s 5th Quarter youth-focused Mass and rosary procession to Planned Parenthood. The church hosts two different pro-life groups, Helpers of God’s Precious Infants and Mary’s Mantle, who hold the …
Survivor of Brussels terror attack writes letter of hope to unborn baby

BRUSSELS, Belgium — “…I just want to tell you that life is a wonderful thing, and the world is really full of remarkable people.” So starts a letter written by one of the survivors of the bomb attacks at the Brussels Zaventem international airport last week, according to CNN. The author of the …
40 Days for Life spring campaign kicks off Feb. 6

This Saturday, Feb. 6, the 40 Days for Life spring campaign will kick off in Cincinnati. The campaign runs officially from Ash Wednesday (Feb. 10) to Palm Sunday (March 20). Speakers at Saturday’s kickoff event will include Henry Flowers IV, the new director of the Life Issues Institute’s Protecting Black …
Cincinnati Mini March for Life draws more than 100 [Video]

Cold weather and threat of snow couldn’t deter more than 100 area residents from showing their support for the unborn on a snowy Friday afternoon. Pro-life supporters gathered Jan. 22 in front of the Planned Parenthood on Auburn Avenue in Cincinnati to mark the 44th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s …
Birthright of Greater Cincinnati continues to help women with pregnancy

On a recent Wednesday morning, a distraught woman arrived at the office of Birthright of Greater Cincinnati. After a rough start to the day that included a broken down car and missing credit card, the mother of five-month old twin boys found support and advice in the calming presence of …
Despite objections, Calif. governor signs assisted-suicide bill
CNA/EWTN News After months of debate and strong opposition, California governor Jerry Brown on Monday signed into a law a bill enabling doctors to prescribe drugs that will end the lives of terminally ill patients. “This is a dark day for California and for the Brown legacy,” said Californians against …