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CCL Conference celebrates Humanae Vitae anniversary

By Gail Finke Hundreds of people traveled from across the country to Cincinnati, many with large families in tow, for the Couple to Couple League’s conference on the 50thanniversary of Pope Paul VI’s encyclical on birth control. Now lauded as prophetic by many conservatives and social scientists, the encyclical titled …
Pregnancy Care Centers win at Supreme Court

by Gail Finke The United States Supreme Court upheld the free speech rights of pro-life pregnancy centers today, overturning a 9thCircuit Court of Appeals ruling that allowed California to require that all pregnancy care centers (PCCs) tell their clients where to obtain free, state-funded abortions. The 5-4 ruling on National …
Cross the Bridge for Life turns 13; no end of growth in sight for joyful event

By Gail Finke With little publicity, an annual family celebration of the gift of life continues to grow. Thousands assemble in Newport every year for Cross the Bridge for Life, a hybrid event that’s part street festival and part fitness walk – with prayer, food, music, and family activities along …
Everyday Evangelist: Teen mothers find help and hope in Shelby County couple’s home

By Sharon Semanie Connie McEldowney believes in her ministry’s motto so strongly that she had it tattooed on her arm: “Rustic Hope…Because Every Life Matters.” The mother of five biological and three adopted biracial siblings, McEldowney offers free support to pregnant teens before, during, and after delivery – in her …
Breaking News: Senate vote to prevent filibuster on 20-week abortion ban fails

by Courtney Grogan Washington D.C., Jan 29, 2018 / 04:30 pm (CNA).- A procedural vote on a Senate bill to ban abortions after 20 weeks failed on the evening of Jan. 29, after more than three hours of debate. The cloture motion, which would have prevented a filibuster on the …
The U.S. Senate votes Monday on the Pain Capable unborn Child Protection Act

Archbishop Schnurr invites you to support the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act: This legislation, which prohibits abortion after 20 weeks gestation on the scientific evidence that fetuses can feel pain by that point, passed the House on Oct. 3, and is now in the Senate as S.2311. A vote is …
Passionately pro-life: This year’s Respect Life honoree Rosie Prier plays a vital role behind the scenes

By Walt Schaefer “I will never forget that day,” said Rosie Prier: Dec. 14, 1996. “I was the only person available to initially counsel a woman who came to our women’s center thinking we were the abortion clinic. After talking with me, then having an ultrasound, she left deciding to …
Local March for Life Events

By Gail Finke Monday is the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton decision that legalized abortion on demand, up until the moment of birth, in the United States and has led to the slaughter of more than 55 million unborn children. Thousands from Greater Cincinnati attend …
ADF sues Miami University on behalf of pro-life club

By Gail Finke The non-profit legal association Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) filed a federal lawsuit against Miami University yesterday after its Hamilton campus told a student pro-life group it could erect a “Cemetery of the Innocents” display this fall only if it posted “trigger warning” signs throughout campus. Miami University’s …
Modern-day Calvary: Eucharistic procession at 40 Days for Life Dayton

By Gail Finke On a chilly morning in November, more than 100 people assembled for a Eucharistic procession with Father Stephen Imbarrato, the first ever held at a 40 Days for Life Dayton prayer vigil. Most attendees were Catholic, but several of Dayton’s famously interfaith pro-life leaders came in solidarity. …