Posts Tagged
Pro Choice Activist
Divine Mercy shrine at Catholic parish in Wisconsin defaced with graffiti

by Jonah McKeown St. Louis, Mo., Nov 22, 2022 / 06:00 am A Catholic parish in southern Wisconsin suffered a graffiti attack overnight on Sunday that saw a large tiled display of the Divine Mercy image defaced with green spray-painted letters. Run by the Stockbridge, Massachusetts-based Marian Fathers, St. Peter …
Archbishop Chaput: ‘Biden is not in communion with the Catholic faith’

by AC Wimmer, David Ramos CNA Newsroom, Oct 23, 2022 / 05:32 am Archbishop Charles Chaput said on Saturday that Joe Biden “is not in communion with the Catholic faith” and that “any priest who now provides Communion to the president participates in his hypocrisy.” Speaking at a Eucharistic Symposium at the Diocese …
‘Unconscionable’: California Gov. Newsom cites Jesus on billboards promoting abortion

by Kevin J. Jones Denver, Colo., Sep 23, 2022 / 18:56 pm When Gov. Gavin Newsom of California unveiled his plan for a billboard advertising campaign inviting women to travel to his state to have abortions, he was swiftly condemned by Catholics, who called the ads “unconscionable” and “blasphemy.” Why …
U.S. bishops urge support for mothers and babies after Biden abortion executive order

by Carl Bunderson Denver Newsroom, Aug 5, 2022 / 11:42 am Archbishop William Lori of Baltimore, the U.S. bishops’pro-life chair, on Friday called on President Joe Biden to increase support and care for mothers and children. The Aug. 5 message was in response to an executive order from the president …
Would proposed Biden rule force doctors to perform transgender surgeries and abortions?

by Edie Heipel Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Jul 28, 2022 / 14:03 pm The Biden administration proposed a new rule this week that legal experts say, if finalized, would force hospitals and doctors to perform gender-transition surgeries and abortions. The rule proposed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) revises …
Any arrests so far in attacks on Catholic churches and pro-life pregnancy centers? Here’s what we know

by Joe Bukuras Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Jul 20, 2022 / 16:07 pm An arrest has been made in connection with the arson and vandalism of both a Catholic church and a Methodist church in Bethesda, Maryland, that occurred on July 9 and July 10. Peter Piringer, a spokesman for the …
VP Kamala Harris repeats claim that religious Americans can support abortion

by Katie Yoder Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Jul 19, 2022 / 16:23 pm Vice President Kamala Harris is drawing criticism for again claiming that Americans of any religion can support abortion in accordance with their faith. “It’s important to note that to support a woman’s ability — not her government, but …
Archbishop Naumann says he is ‘sad’ over Pope’s handling of Biden, Pelosi on abortion

by AC Wimmer Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Jul 14, 2022 / 10:26 am Archbishop Joseph Naumann of Kansas City in Kansas has said he is “sad” over the way Pope Francis has handled the controversy surrounding the pro-abortion actions of President Joe Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whose positions on …
Bishop Pfeifer: Catholic bishops must hold Biden accountable post-Roe

by Katie Yoder Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Jul 16, 2022 / 03:00 am A Texas bishop emeritus is calling on his fellow Catholic bishops — and all pro-life Americans — to take action against pro-abortion policy in favor of pro-life measures that support women and the unborn. “Our own president is …
Kansas archbishop: Catholic church attacks are ‘un-American’

by Katie Yoder Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Jul 12, 2022 / 13:25 pm The archbishop of Kansas City in Kansas condemned the recent attack on a local Catholic church ahead of the state’s vote on a pro-life amendment. “This attack and others targeting Catholic churches in Kansas and across the country …