Posts Tagged
priestly ordination
Meet Jeremy Stubbs

Tell us a little bit about you personally: Where are you from, your home parish, what’s your family like, etc. I am the middle of three boys. Over the years, my family and I belonged to several parishes, but, in a certain sense, we were kind of like “Catholic nomads.” …
Meet Anthony Sanitato

Tell us a little bit about you personally: Where are you from, your home parish, what’s your family like, etc. I am a Cincinnatian at heart, born and raised in Anderson Township. I was baptized at Immaculate Heart of Mary parish and grew up as a parishioner at St. Rose of …
Meet Matthew Montag

Tell us a little bit about you personally: Where are you from, your home parish, what’s your family like, etc. My parish growing up was St. Columban in Loveland, OH. We lived in Loveland, but I went to school in the Kings School District for most of my life, graduating …
Join the Novena and Meet our 9 new Archdiocesan Priest

On May 18, the Archdiocese of Cincinnati will celebrate the historic ordination of nine men to the priesthood! Deacons Alex Biroymumeisho, Mark Bredestege, Zachary Cecil, Christian Cone-Lombarte, Ambrose Dobroszi, Andrew Hess, Elias Mwesigye, Jeffrey Stegbauer, and Jedidiah Tritle have spent many years studying, discerning, and serving in preparation for this …
Newly ordained priests given first assignments

Staff Report Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr ordained three men as priests of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati Saturday, May 16 at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains, in downtown Cincinnati.