Posts Tagged
preserve religious freedom
Breaking News: Pro-Life Display Vandalized on Local Campus

Students at Miami University tear crosses out of Cemetery of the Innocents Display November 14, 2018, (Cincinnati, OH): Students at Miami University’s Oxford campus have vandalized the Cemetery of the Innocents Display three times since it was put up on Monday, November 12th by Miami University Students for Life America …
Archbishop Lori: How to Save Our Religious Freedom

By Gail Deibler Finke A robust church won’t have its religious freedoms challenged, Archbishop William Lori said in a brief interview following a lecture at The Athenaeum of Ohio November 1. The Archbishop of Baltimore, who is also the head of the USCCB’s Committee on Religious Freedom and the Supreme …
Throwback Thursday: Fortnight for Freedom

Staff Report The Fortnight for Freedom is underway. It began June 21 and runs through July 4. The now annual occurrence urges Catholics and others to pray, fast and work towards an environment that fosters religious freedom. This year marks the fourth anniversary of the Fortnight for Freedom. For today’s …
Yard signs available for Fortnight for Freedom
Staff Report The Archdiocese of Cincinnati will observe the forth annual Fortnight for Freedom. “Preserve Religious Freedom” yard signs can be secured (at a cost of two for $1) by emailing [email protected].
Archbishop’s letter urges participation in Fortnight for Freedom
Editor’s Note Due to technical difficulties, the “Preserve Religious Freedom” poster referenced in Archbishop Dennis M Schnurr’s letter in the June edition of The Catholic Telegraph did not appear in print. However, the poster is available for free download HERE. You can get a printed copy by calling 513 421-3131 Extension 6608 or …
Ohio Council of Churches issues statement on religious freedom

By Steve Trosley The Catholic Telegraph A refreshingly open and candid conversation about the HHS Mandate of the Affordable Care Act of 2010 has brought Ohio’s mainstream congregations into solidarity with their Catholic brothers and sisters.