Posts Tagged
Pregnancy Center Plus
A Place of Support; A Place of Hope

As I write this, my son lies next to me in his bassinet, just 13 days old. A first-time mom, I learned over the past nine months just how much preparation is necessary for a family to welcome a new and precious, little life into their world. There have been …
Pregnancy Care Centers: An Antidote to Fear

Every day a scared pregnant woman walks into one of Ohio’s 130 pregnancy help centers. She may not have told a soul she is pregnant, or she may have already been scolded that she is too young, too poor, or too incompetent to parent. She may bring the baby’s father, …
Helping Expecting Women in Need

Seeing a baby for the first time through ultrasound can be life-changing for a pregnant woman in crisis, according to Lauren Purtee, a sonographer at Pregnancy Center Plus in Cincinnati. “Seventy to 75% of our clients change their mind after the ultrasound,” she said. “That’s a pretty big number to …